Model { Name "P" Version 9.0 SavedCharacterEncoding "ISO-8859-1" GraphicalInterface { NumRootInports 0 NumRootOutports 0 ParameterArgumentNames "" ComputedModelVersion "1.9" NumModelReferences 0 NumTestPointedSignals 0 NumProvidedFunctions 0 NumRequiredFunctions 0 NumResetEvents 0 HasInitializeEvent 0 HasTerminateEvent 0 IsExportFunctionModel 0 NumParameterArguments 0 NumExternalFileReferences 0 OrderedModelArguments 1 } LogicAnalyzerGraphicalSettings "" LogicAnalyzerPlugin "on" LogicAnalyzerSignalOrdering "" DiagnosticSuppressor "on" SuppressorTable "22 serialization::archive 11 0 6 0 0 0 0 0" CustomCodeFunctionData "" SLCCPlugin "on" ScopeRefreshTime 0.035000 OverrideScopeRefreshTime on DisableAllScopes off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" MinMaxOverflowArchiveMode "Overwrite" FPTRunName "Run 1" MaxMDLFileLineLength 120 LastSavedArchitecture "maci64" Object { $PropName "BdWindowsInfo" $ObjectID 1 $ClassName "Simulink.BDWindowsInfo" Object { $PropName "WindowsInfo" $ObjectID 2 $ClassName "Simulink.WindowInfo" IsActive [1] Location [193.0, 57.0, 1245.0, 757.0] Object { $PropName "ModelBrowserInfo" $ObjectID 3 $ClassName "Simulink.ModelBrowserInfo" Visible [0] DockPosition "Left" Width [50] Height [50] Filter [8] } Object { $PropName "ExplorerBarInfo" $ObjectID 4 $ClassName "Simulink.ExplorerBarInfo" Visible [1] } Object { $PropName "EditorsInfo" $ObjectID 5 $ClassName "Simulink.EditorInfo" IsActive [1] ViewObjType "SimulinkTopLevel" LoadSaveID "0" Extents [1207.0, 581.0] ZoomFactor [2.0] Offset [-1.6870011283684789, -38.329459821229435] } Object { $PropName "DockComponentsInfo" $ObjectID 6 $ClassName "Simulink.DockComponentInfo" Type "GLUE2:PropertyInspector" ID "Property Inspector" Visible [0] CreateCallback "" UserData "" Floating [0] DockPosition "Right" Width [640] Height [480] } WindowState "AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAgAAAAAAAAC9AAAB+PwCAAAAA/sAAAAWAEQAbwBjAGsAVwBpAGQAZwBlAHQAMwEAAAAxAAAB+AAAA" "AAAAAAA+wAAABYARABvAGMAawBXAGkAZABnAGUAdAA0AAAAAAD/////AAAAAAAAAAD7AAAAUgBHAEwAVQBFADIAIAB0AHIAZQBlACAAYwBvAG0Ac" "ABvAG4AZQBuAHQALwBHAEwAVQBFADIAIAB0AHIAZQBlACAAYwBvAG0AcABvAG4AZQBuAHQAAAAAAP////8AAABzAP///wAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAPwCA" "AAAAfsAAABUAEcATABVAEUAMgA6AFAAcgBvAHAAZQByAHQAeQBJAG4AcwBwAGUAYwB0AG8AcgAvAFAAcgBvAHAAZQByAHQAeQAgAEkAbgBzAHAAZ" "QBjAHQAbwByAAAAAAD/////AAAALgD///8AAATdAAACgAAAAAEAAAACAAAAAQAAAAL8AAAAAQAAAAIAAAAP/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/" "////wEAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/" "////wEAAACE/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wEAAAD2/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wEAAAF6/////wAAAAAAAAAA/" "////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wEAAAPg/////wAAAAAAAAAA/" "////wEAAAQP/////wAAAAAAAAAA/////wAAAAAA/////wAAAAAAAAAA" } } HideAutomaticNames on Created "Fri Sep 24 14:32:12 2010" Creator "Leonel Laboissiere" UpdateHistory "UpdateHistoryNever" ModifiedByFormat "%" LastModifiedBy "joaolss" ModifiedDateFormat "%" LastModifiedDate "Sun Apr 22 18:56:19 2018" RTWModifiedTimeStamp 446324125 ModelVersionFormat "1.%" SampleTimeColors off SampleTimeAnnotations off LibraryLinkDisplay "none" WideLines off ShowLineDimensions off ShowPortDataTypes off PortDataTypeDisplayFormat "AliasTypeOnly" ShowEditTimeErrors on ShowEditTimeWarnings on ShowEditTimeAdvisorChecks off ShowPortUnits off ShowDesignRanges off ShowLoopsOnError on IgnoreBidirectionalLines off ShowStorageClass off ShowTestPointIcons on ShowSignalResolutionIcons on ShowViewerIcons on SortedOrder off VariantCondition off ExecutionContextIcon off ShowLinearizationAnnotations on ShowVisualizeInsertedRTB on ShowMarkup on BlockNameDataTip off BlockParametersDataTip off BlockDescriptionStringDataTip off BlockVariantConditionDataTip off ToolBar on StatusBar on BrowserShowLibraryLinks off FunctionConnectors off BrowserLookUnderMasks off SimulationMode "normal" VisualizeLoggedSignalsWhenLoggingToFile off PauseTimes "5" NumberOfSteps 1 SnapshotBufferSize 10 SnapshotInterval 10 NumberOfLastSnapshots 0 LinearizationMsg "none" Profile off ParamWorkspaceSource "MATLABWorkspace" AccelSystemTargetFile "accel.tlc" AccelTemplateMakefile "accel_default_tmf" AccelMakeCommand "make_rtw" TryForcingSFcnDF off Object { $PropName "DataLoggingOverride" $ObjectID 7 $ClassName "Simulink.SimulationData.ModelLoggingInfo" model_ "P" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 1 Cell "P" PropName "logAsSpecifiedByModels_" } Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 1 Cell "" PropName "logAsSpecifiedByModelsSSIDs_" } } ExtModeBatchMode off ExtModeEnableFloating on ExtModeTrigType "manual" ExtModeTrigMode "normal" ExtModeTrigPort "1" ExtModeTrigElement "any" ExtModeTrigDuration 1000 ExtModeTrigDurationFloating "auto" ExtModeTrigHoldOff 0 ExtModeTrigDelay 0 ExtModeTrigDirection "rising" ExtModeTrigLevel 0 ExtModeArchiveMode "off" ExtModeAutoIncOneShot off ExtModeIncDirWhenArm off ExtModeAddSuffixToVar off ExtModeWriteAllDataToWs off ExtModeArmWhenConnect on ExtModeSkipDownloadWhenConnect off ExtModeLogAll on ExtModeAutoUpdateStatusClock on ShowModelReferenceBlockVersion off ShowModelReferenceBlockIO off OrderedModelArguments on Array { Type "Handle" Dimension 1 Simulink.ConfigSet { $ObjectID 8 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "" Array { Type "Handle" Dimension 10 Simulink.SolverCC { $ObjectID 9 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "" StartTime "0.0" StopTime "25" AbsTol "auto" FixedStep "auto" InitialStep "auto" MaxOrder 5 ZcThreshold "auto" ConsecutiveZCsStepRelTol "10*128*eps" MaxConsecutiveZCs "1000" ExtrapolationOrder 4 NumberNewtonIterations 1 MaxStep "0.5" MinStep "auto" MaxConsecutiveMinStep "1" RelTol "1e-3" EnableMultiTasking on ConcurrentTasks off Solver "ode45" SolverName "ode45" SolverJacobianMethodControl "auto" ShapePreserveControl "DisableAll" ZeroCrossControl "UseLocalSettings" ZeroCrossAlgorithm "Nonadaptive" AlgebraicLoopSolver "TrustRegion" SolverInfoToggleStatus off IsAutoAppliedInSIP off SolverResetMethod "Fast" PositivePriorityOrder off AutoInsertRateTranBlk off SampleTimeConstraint "Unconstrained" InsertRTBMode "Whenever possible" SampleTimeProperty [] DecoupledContinuousIntegration off } Simulink.DataIOCC { $ObjectID 10 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "" Decimation "1" ExternalInput "[t, u]" FinalStateName "xFinal" InitialState "xInitial" LimitDataPoints on MaxDataPoints "1000" LoadExternalInput off LoadInitialState off SaveFinalState off SaveCompleteFinalSimState off SaveFormat "Array" SignalLoggingSaveFormat "ModelDataLogs" SaveOutput on SaveState off SignalLogging on DSMLogging on InspectSignalLogs off VisualizeSimOutput on StreamToWorkspace off StreamVariableName "streamout" SaveTime on ReturnWorkspaceOutputs off StateSaveName "xout" TimeSaveName "tout" OutputSaveName "yout" SignalLoggingName "logsout" DSMLoggingName "dsmout" OutputOption "RefineOutputTimes" OutputTimes "[]" ReturnWorkspaceOutputsName "out" Refine "1" LoggingToFile off DatasetSignalFormat "timeseries" LoggingFileName "out.mat" LoggingIntervals "[-inf, inf]" } Simulink.OptimizationCC { $ObjectID 11 Version "1.17.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 8 Cell "ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup" Cell "ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup" Cell "UseSpecifiedMinMax" Cell "OptimizeModelRefInitCode" Cell "NoFixptDivByZeroProtection" Cell "BooleansAsBitfields" Cell "PassReuseOutputArgsAs" Cell "PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold" PropName "DisabledProps" } Description "" BlockReduction on BooleanDataType on ConditionallyExecuteInputs on DefaultParameterBehavior "Tunable" UseDivisionForNetSlopeComputation "off" UseFloatMulNetSlope off DefaultUnderspecifiedDataType "double" UseSpecifiedMinMax off InlineInvariantSignals off OptimizeBlockIOStorage on BufferReuse on EnhancedBackFolding off CachingGlobalReferences off GlobalBufferReuse on StrengthReduction off AdvancedOptControl "" ExpressionFolding on BooleansAsBitfields off BitfieldContainerType "uint_T" EnableMemcpy on MemcpyThreshold 64 PassReuseOutputArgsAs "Structure reference" PassReuseOutputArgsThreshold 12 ExpressionDepthLimit 2147483647 LocalBlockOutputs on RollThreshold 5 StateBitsets off DataBitsets off ActiveStateOutputEnumStorageType "Native Integer" ZeroExternalMemoryAtStartup on ZeroInternalMemoryAtStartup on InitFltsAndDblsToZero on NoFixptDivByZeroProtection off EfficientFloat2IntCast off EfficientMapNaN2IntZero on LifeSpan "inf" MaxStackSize "Inherit from target" BufferReusableBoundary on SimCompilerOptimization "off" AccelVerboseBuild off OptimizeBlockOrder "off" OptimizeDataStoreBuffers on BusAssignmentInplaceUpdate on DifferentSizesBufferReuse off } Simulink.DebuggingCC { $ObjectID 12 Version "1.17.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 1 Cell "UseOnlyExistingSharedCode" PropName "DisabledProps" } Description "" RTPrefix "error" ConsistencyChecking "none" ArrayBoundsChecking "none" SignalInfNanChecking "none" SignalRangeChecking "none" ReadBeforeWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings" WriteAfterWriteMsg "UseLocalSettings" WriteAfterReadMsg "UseLocalSettings" AlgebraicLoopMsg "warning" ArtificialAlgebraicLoopMsg "warning" SaveWithDisabledLinksMsg "warning" SaveWithParameterizedLinksMsg "warning" CheckSSInitialOutputMsg on UnderspecifiedInitializationDetection "Classic" MergeDetectMultiDrivingBlocksExec "none" CheckExecutionContextPreStartOutputMsg off CheckExecutionContextRuntimeOutputMsg off SignalResolutionControl "UseLocalSettings" BlockPriorityViolationMsg "warning" MinStepSizeMsg "warning" TimeAdjustmentMsg "none" MaxConsecutiveZCsMsg "error" MaskedZcDiagnostic "warning" IgnoredZcDiagnostic "warning" SolverPrmCheckMsg "warning" InheritedTsInSrcMsg "warning" MultiTaskDSMMsg "error" MultiTaskCondExecSysMsg "error" MultiTaskRateTransMsg "error" SingleTaskRateTransMsg "none" TasksWithSamePriorityMsg "warning" ExportedTasksRateTransMsg "none" SigSpecEnsureSampleTimeMsg "warning" CheckMatrixSingularityMsg "none" IntegerOverflowMsg "warning" Int32ToFloatConvMsg "warning" ParameterDowncastMsg "error" ParameterOverflowMsg "error" ParameterUnderflowMsg "none" ParameterPrecisionLossMsg "warning" ParameterTunabilityLossMsg "warning" FixptConstUnderflowMsg "none" FixptConstOverflowMsg "none" FixptConstPrecisionLossMsg "none" UnderSpecifiedDataTypeMsg "none" UnnecessaryDatatypeConvMsg "none" VectorMatrixConversionMsg "none" InvalidFcnCallConnMsg "error" FcnCallInpInsideContextMsg "warning" SignalLabelMismatchMsg "none" UnconnectedInputMsg "warning" UnconnectedOutputMsg "warning" UnconnectedLineMsg "warning" UseOnlyExistingSharedCode "error" SFcnCompatibilityMsg "none" FrameProcessingCompatibilityMsg "error" UniqueDataStoreMsg "none" BusObjectLabelMismatch "warning" RootOutportRequireBusObject "warning" AssertControl "UseLocalSettings" AllowSymbolicDim on RowMajorDimensionSupport off ModelReferenceIOMsg "none" ModelReferenceMultiInstanceNormalModeStructChecksumCheck "error" ModelReferenceVersionMismatchMessage "none" ModelReferenceIOMismatchMessage "none" UnknownTsInhSupMsg "warning" ModelReferenceDataLoggingMessage "warning" ModelReferenceSymbolNameMessage "warning" ModelReferenceExtraNoncontSigs "error" StateNameClashWarn "warning" SimStateInterfaceChecksumMismatchMsg "warning" SimStateOlderReleaseMsg "error" ChecksumConsistencyForSSReuse "none" InitInArrayFormatMsg "warning" StrictBusMsg "Warning" BusNameAdapt "WarnAndRepair" NonBusSignalsTreatedAsBus "none" SymbolicDimMinMaxWarning "warning" LossOfSymbolicDimsSimulationWarning "warning" LossOfSymbolicDimsCodeGenerationWarning "error" SymbolicDimsDataTypeCodeGenerationDiagnostic "error" BlockIODiagnostic "none" SFUnusedDataAndEventsDiag "warning" SFUnexpectedBacktrackingDiag "warning" SFInvalidInputDataAccessInChartInitDiag "warning" SFNoUnconditionalDefaultTransitionDiag "warning" SFTransitionOutsideNaturalParentDiag "warning" SFUnreachableExecutionPathDiag "warning" SFUndirectedBroadcastEventsDiag "warning" SFTransitionActionBeforeConditionDiag "warning" SFOutputUsedAsStateInMooreChartDiag "error" SFTemporalDelaySmallerThanSampleTimeDiag "warning" SFSelfTransitionDiag "warning" SFExecutionAtInitializationDiag "none" SFMachineParentedDataDiag "warning" IntegerSaturationMsg "warning" AllowedUnitSystems "all" UnitsInconsistencyMsg "warning" AllowAutomaticUnitConversions on RCSCRenamedMsg "warning" RCSCObservableMsg "warning" ForceCombineOutputUpdateInSim off UnitDatabase "" } Simulink.HardwareCC { $ObjectID 13 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "" ProdBitPerChar 8 ProdBitPerShort 16 ProdBitPerInt 32 ProdBitPerLong 32 ProdBitPerLongLong 64 ProdBitPerFloat 32 ProdBitPerDouble 64 ProdBitPerPointer 32 ProdBitPerSizeT 32 ProdBitPerPtrDiffT 32 ProdLargestAtomicInteger "Char" ProdLargestAtomicFloat "None" ProdIntDivRoundTo "Undefined" ProdEndianess "Unspecified" ProdWordSize 32 ProdShiftRightIntArith on ProdLongLongMode off ProdHWDeviceType "32-bit Generic" TargetBitPerChar 8 TargetBitPerShort 16 TargetBitPerInt 32 TargetBitPerLong 32 TargetBitPerLongLong 64 TargetBitPerFloat 32 TargetBitPerDouble 64 TargetBitPerPointer 32 TargetBitPerSizeT 32 TargetBitPerPtrDiffT 32 TargetLargestAtomicInteger "Char" TargetLargestAtomicFloat "None" TargetShiftRightIntArith on TargetLongLongMode off TargetIntDivRoundTo "Undefined" TargetEndianess "Unspecified" TargetWordSize 32 TargetPreprocMaxBitsSint 32 TargetPreprocMaxBitsUint 32 TargetHWDeviceType "Specified" TargetUnknown off ProdEqTarget on UseEmbeddedCoderFeatures on UseSimulinkCoderFeatures on } Simulink.ModelReferenceCC { $ObjectID 14 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "" UpdateModelReferenceTargets "IfOutOfDateOrStructuralChange" EnableRefExpFcnMdlSchedulingChecks on CheckModelReferenceTargetMessage "error" EnableParallelModelReferenceBuilds off ParallelModelReferenceErrorOnInvalidPool on ParallelModelReferenceMATLABWorkerInit "None" ModelReferenceNumInstancesAllowed "Multi" PropagateVarSize "Infer from blocks in model" ModelDependencies "" ModelReferencePassRootInputsByReference on ModelReferenceMinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropagateSignalLabelsOutOfModel off SupportModelReferenceSimTargetCustomCode off } Simulink.SFSimCC { $ObjectID 15 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "" SimCustomSourceCode "" SimCustomHeaderCode "" SimCustomInitializer "" SimCustomTerminator "" SimReservedNameArray [] SimUserSources "" SimUserIncludeDirs "" SimUserLibraries "" SimUserDefines "" SimCustomCompilerFlags "" SimCustomLinkerFlags "" SFSimEcho on SimCtrlC on SimIntegrity on SimUseLocalCustomCode off SimParseCustomCode on SimBuildMode "sf_incremental_build" SimGenImportedTypeDefs off ModelFunctionsGlobalVisibility "on" CompileTimeRecursionLimit 50 EnableRuntimeRecursion on MATLABDynamicMemAlloc on MATLABDynamicMemAllocThreshold 65536 } Simulink.RTWCC { $BackupClass "Simulink.RTWCC" $ObjectID 16 Version "1.17.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 13 Cell "IncludeHyperlinkInReport" Cell "GenerateTraceInfo" Cell "GenerateTraceReport" Cell "GenerateTraceReportSl" Cell "GenerateTraceReportSf" Cell "GenerateTraceReportEml" Cell "PortableWordSizes" Cell "GenerateWebview" Cell "GenerateCodeMetricsReport" Cell "GenerateCodeReplacementReport" Cell "GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport" Cell "GenerateErtSFunction" Cell "CreateSILPILBlock" PropName "DisabledProps" } SystemTargetFile "grt.tlc" HardwareBoard "None" TLCOptions "" GenCodeOnly off MakeCommand "make_rtw" GenerateMakefile on PackageGeneratedCodeAndArtifacts off PackageName "" TemplateMakefile "grt_default_tmf" PostCodeGenCommand "" Description "" GenerateReport off SaveLog off RTWVerbose on RetainRTWFile off RTWBuildHooks [] ProfileTLC off TLCDebug off TLCCoverage off TLCAssert off RTWUseLocalCustomCode off RTWUseSimCustomCode off CustomSourceCode "" CustomHeaderCode "" CustomInclude "" CustomSource "" CustomLibrary "" CustomDefine "" CustomLAPACKCallback "" CustomFFTCallback "" CustomInitializer "" CustomTerminator "" Toolchain "Automatically locate an installed toolchain" BuildConfiguration "Faster Builds" CustomToolchainOptions [] IncludeHyperlinkInReport off LaunchReport off PortableWordSizes off CreateSILPILBlock "None" CodeExecutionProfiling off CodeExecutionProfileVariable "executionProfile" CodeProfilingSaveOptions "SummaryOnly" CodeProfilingInstrumentation off SILDebugging off TargetLang "C" IncludeBusHierarchyInRTWFileBlockHierarchyMap off GenerateTraceInfo off GenerateTraceReport off GenerateTraceReportSl off GenerateTraceReportSf off GenerateTraceReportEml off GenerateWebview off GenerateCodeMetricsReport off GenerateCodeReplacementReport off GenerateMissedCodeReplacementReport off RTWCompilerOptimization "off" ObjectivePriorities [] RTWCustomCompilerOptimizations "" CheckMdlBeforeBuild "Off" SharedConstantsCachingThreshold 1024 Array { Type "Handle" Dimension 2 Simulink.CodeAppCC { $ObjectID 17 Version "1.17.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 27 Cell "IgnoreCustomStorageClasses" Cell "InsertBlockDesc" Cell "SFDataObjDesc" Cell "SimulinkDataObjDesc" Cell "DefineNamingRule" Cell "SignalNamingRule" Cell "ParamNamingRule" Cell "InlinedPrmAccess" Cell "CustomSymbolStr" Cell "CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar" Cell "CustomSymbolStrType" Cell "CustomSymbolStrField" Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcn" Cell "CustomSymbolStrBlkIO" Cell "CustomSymbolStrTmpVar" Cell "CustomSymbolStrMacro" Cell "IgnoreTestpoints" Cell "InsertPolySpaceComments" Cell "MATLABFcnDesc" Cell "InternalIdentifier" Cell "CustomSymbolStrModelFcn" Cell "CustomSymbolStrFcnArg" Cell "CustomSymbolStrUtil" Cell "CustomSymbolStrEmxType" Cell "CustomSymbolStrEmxFcn" Cell "CustomUserTokenString" Cell "ReqsInCode" PropName "DisabledProps" } Description "" Comment "" ForceParamTrailComments off GenerateComments on CommentStyle "Auto" IgnoreCustomStorageClasses on IgnoreTestpoints off MaxIdLength 31 PreserveName off PreserveNameWithParent off ShowEliminatedStatement off OperatorAnnotations off SimulinkDataObjDesc off SFDataObjDesc off MATLABFcnDesc off MangleLength 1 SharedChecksumLength 8 CustomSymbolStrGlobalVar "$R$N$M" CustomSymbolStrType "$N$R$M_T" CustomSymbolStrField "$N$M" CustomSymbolStrFcn "$R$N$M$F" CustomSymbolStrModelFcn "$R$N" CustomSymbolStrFcnArg "rt$I$N$M" CustomSymbolStrBlkIO "rtb_$N$M" CustomSymbolStrTmpVar "$N$M" CustomSymbolStrMacro "$R$N$M" CustomSymbolStrUtil "$N$C" CustomSymbolStrEmxType "emxArray_$M$N" CustomSymbolStrEmxFcn "emx$M$N" CustomUserTokenString "" CustomCommentsFcn "" DefineNamingRule "None" DefineNamingFcn "" ParamNamingRule "None" ParamNamingFcn "" SignalNamingRule "None" SignalNamingFcn "" InsertBlockDesc off InsertPolySpaceComments off SimulinkBlockComments on StateflowObjectComments on MATLABSourceComments off EnableCustomComments off InternalIdentifierFile "" InternalIdentifier "Shortened" InlinedPrmAccess "Literals" ReqsInCode off UseSimReservedNames off ReservedNameArray [] } Simulink.GRTTargetCC { $BackupClass "Simulink.TargetCC" $ObjectID 18 Version "1.17.1" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 16 Cell "IncludeMdlTerminateFcn" Cell "GenerateAllocFcn" Cell "SuppressErrorStatus" Cell "ERTCustomFileBanners" Cell "GenerateSampleERTMain" Cell "GenerateTestInterfaces" Cell "ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant" Cell "RemoveResetFunc" Cell "PurelyIntegerCode" Cell "RemoveDisableFunc" Cell "SupportComplex" Cell "SupportAbsoluteTime" Cell "SupportContinuousTime" Cell "SupportNonInlinedSFcns" Cell "PortableWordSizes" Cell "ExistingSharedCode" PropName "DisabledProps" } Description "" TargetFcnLib "ansi_tfl_table_tmw.mat" TargetLibSuffix "" TargetPreCompLibLocation "" GenFloatMathFcnCalls "NOT IN USE" TargetLangStandard "C89/C90 (ANSI)" CodeReplacementLibrary "None" UtilityFuncGeneration "Auto" MultiwordTypeDef "System defined" MultiwordLength 2048 GenerateFullHeader on InferredTypesCompatibility off ExistingSharedCode "" GenerateSampleERTMain off GenerateTestInterfaces off ModelReferenceCompliant on ParMdlRefBuildCompliant on CompOptLevelCompliant on ConcurrentExecutionCompliant on IncludeMdlTerminateFcn on GeneratePreprocessorConditionals "Use local settings" CombineOutputUpdateFcns off CombineSignalStateStructs off SuppressErrorStatus off IncludeFileDelimiter "Auto" ERTCustomFileBanners off SupportAbsoluteTime on LogVarNameModifier "rt_" MatFileLogging on MultiInstanceERTCode off CodeInterfacePackaging "Nonreusable function" SupportNonFinite on SupportComplex on PurelyIntegerCode off SupportContinuousTime on SupportNonInlinedSFcns on RemoveDisableFunc off RemoveResetFunc off SupportVariableSizeSignals off ParenthesesLevel "Nominal" CastingMode "Nominal" MATLABClassNameForMDSCustomization "Simulink.SoftwareTarget.GRTCustomization" ModelStepFunctionPrototypeControlCompliant off CPPClassGenCompliant on AutosarCompliant off MDXCompliant off GRTInterface on GenerateAllocFcn off UseToolchainInfoCompliant on GenerateSharedConstants on CoderGroups [] AccessMethods [] LookupTableObjectStructAxisOrder "1,2,3,4,..." LUTObjectStructOrderExplicitValues "Size,Breakpoints,Table" LUTObjectStructOrderEvenSpacing "Size,Breakpoints,Table" ArrayLayout "Column-major" UseMalloc off ExtMode off ExtModeStaticAlloc off ExtModeTesting off ExtModeStaticAllocSize 1000000 ExtModeTransport 0 ExtModeMexFile "ext_comm" ExtModeMexArgs "" ExtModeIntrfLevel "Level1" RTWCAPISignals off RTWCAPIParams off RTWCAPIStates off RTWCAPIRootIO off GenerateASAP2 off MultiInstanceErrorCode "Error" } PropName "Components" } } SlCovCC.ConfigComp { $ObjectID 19 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "Simulink Coverage Configuration Component" Name "Simulink Coverage" CovEnable off CovScope "EntireSystem" CovIncludeTopModel on RecordCoverage off CovPath "/" CovSaveName "covdata" CovCompData "" CovMetricSettings "dw" CovFilter "" CovHTMLOptions "" CovNameIncrementing off CovHtmlReporting on CovForceBlockReductionOff on CovEnableCumulative on CovSaveCumulativeToWorkspaceVar on CovSaveSingleToWorkspaceVar on CovCumulativeVarName "covCumulativeData" CovCumulativeReport off CovSaveOutputData on CovOutputDir "slcov_output/$ModelName$" CovDataFileName "$ModelName$_cvdata" CovShowResultsExplorer on CovReportOnPause on CovModelRefEnable "off" CovModelRefExcluded "" CovExternalEMLEnable off CovSFcnEnable on CovBoundaryAbsTol 1e-05 CovBoundaryRelTol 0.01 CovUseTimeInterval off CovStartTime 0 CovStopTime 0 CovMcdcMode "Masking" } hdlcoderui.hdlcc { $ObjectID 20 Version "1.17.1" DisabledProps [] Description "HDL Coder custom configuration component" Name "HDL Coder" Array { Type "Cell" Dimension 1 Cell "" PropName "HDLConfigFile" } HDLCActiveTab "0" } PropName "Components" } Name "Configuration" ExtraOptions "" CurrentDlgPage "Solver" ConfigPrmDlgPosition [ 515, 170, 1405, 910 ] } PropName "ConfigurationSets" } Simulink.ConfigSet { $PropName "ActiveConfigurationSet" $ObjectID 8 } Object { $PropName "DataTransfer" $ObjectID 21 $ClassName "Simulink.GlobalDataTransfer" DefaultTransitionBetweenSyncTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (maximum delay)" DefaultTransitionBetweenAsyncTasks "Ensure data integrity only" DefaultTransitionBetweenContTasks "Ensure deterministic transfer (minimum delay)" DefaultExtrapolationMethodBetweenContTasks "None" AutoInsertRateTranBlk [0] } ExplicitPartitioning off BlockDefaults { ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off NamePlacement "normal" FontName "Arial" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" ShowName on HideAutomaticName on BlockRotation 0 BlockMirror off } AnnotationDefaults { HorizontalAlignment "center" VerticalAlignment "middle" ForegroundColor "black" BackgroundColor "white" DropShadow off FontName "Arial" FontSize 10 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" MarkupType "model" UseDisplayTextAsClickCallback off AnnotationType "note_annotation" FixedHeight off FixedWidth off Interpreter "off" } LineDefaults { FontName "Arial" FontSize 9 FontWeight "normal" FontAngle "normal" } MaskDefaults { SelfModifiable "off" IconFrame "on" IconOpaque "opaque" RunInitForIconRedraw "analyze" IconRotate "none" PortRotate "default" IconUnits "autoscale" } MaskParameterDefaults { Evaluate "on" Tunable "on" NeverSave "off" Internal "off" ReadOnly "off" Enabled "on" Visible "on" ToolTip "on" } BlockParameterDefaults { Block { BlockType Constant Value "1" VectorParams1D on SamplingMode "Sample based" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'" LockScale off SampleTime "inf" FramePeriod "inf" PreserveConstantTs off } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace VariableName "simulink_input" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto" SampleTime "-1" Interpolate on ZeroCross off OutputAfterFinalValue "Extrapolation" } Block { BlockType Gain Gain "1" Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)" ParamMin "[]" ParamMax "[]" ParamDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on SampleTime "-1" } Block { BlockType Inport Port "1" OutputFunctionCall off OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto" LockScale off BusOutputAsStruct off Unit "inherit" PortDimensions "-1" VarSizeSig "Inherit" SampleTime "-1" SignalType "auto" SamplingMode "auto" LatchByDelayingOutsideSignal off LatchInputForFeedbackSignals off Interpolate on } Block { BlockType Integrator ExternalReset "none" InitialConditionSource "internal" InitialCondition "0" LimitOutput off UpperSaturationLimit "inf" LowerSaturationLimit "-inf" WrapState off WrappedStateUpperValue "pi" WrappedStateLowerValue "-pi" ShowSaturationPort off ShowStatePort off AbsoluteTolerance "auto" IgnoreLimit off ZeroCross on ContinuousStateAttributes "''" } Block { BlockType Outport Port "1" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto" LockScale off BusOutputAsStruct off Unit "inherit" PortDimensions "-1" VarSizeSig "Inherit" SampleTime "-1" SignalType "auto" SamplingMode "auto" EnsureOutportIsVirtual off SourceOfInitialOutputValue "Dialog" OutputWhenDisabled "held" InitialOutput "[]" MustResolveToSignalObject off OutputWhenUnConnected off OutputWhenUnconnectedValue "0" VectorParamsAs1DForOutWhenUnconnected off } Block { BlockType Scope DefaultConfigurationName "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg" Floating off } Block { BlockType SubSystem ShowPortLabels "FromPortIcon" Permissions "ReadWrite" PermitHierarchicalResolution "All" TreatAsAtomicUnit off MinAlgLoopOccurrences off PropExecContextOutsideSubsystem off SystemSampleTime "-1" RTWSystemCode "Auto" RTWFcnNameOpts "Auto" RTWFileNameOpts "Auto" FunctionInterfaceSpec "void_void" FunctionWithSeparateData off RTWMemSecFuncInitTerm "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecFuncExecute "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecDataConstants "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecDataInternal "Inherit from model" RTWMemSecDataParameters "Inherit from model" SimViewingDevice off DataTypeOverride "UseLocalSettings" DataTypeOverrideAppliesTo "AllNumericTypes" MinMaxOverflowLogging "UseLocalSettings" Opaque off MaskHideContents off SFBlockType "NONE" GeneratePreprocessorConditionals off AllowZeroVariantControls off PropagateVariantConditions off TreatAsGroupedWhenPropagatingVariantConditions on ContentPreviewEnabled off IsWebBlock off IsObserver off } Block { BlockType Sum IconShape "rectangular" Inputs "++" CollapseMode "All dimensions" CollapseDim "1" InputSameDT on AccumDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" OutMin "[]" OutMax "[]" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input" LockScale off RndMeth "Floor" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on SampleTime "-1" } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace VariableName "simulink_output" MaxDataPoints "1000" Decimation "1" SaveFormat "Array" Save2DSignal "Inherit from input (this choice will be removed - see release notes)" FixptAsFi off NumInputs "1" SampleTime "0" } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Numerator "[1]" Denominator "[1 2 1]" AbsoluteTolerance "auto" ContinuousStateAttributes "''" Realization "auto" } Block { BlockType TransportDelay DelayTime "1" InitialOutput "0" BufferSize "1024" FixedBuffer off TransDelayFeedthrough off PadeOrder "0" } } System { Name "P" Location [193, 57, 1438, 814] Open on PortBlocksUseCompactNotation off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "200" ReportName "simulink-default.rpt" SIDHighWatermark "27" Block { BlockType FromWorkspace Name "From\nWorkspace" SID "21" Position [20, 88, 85, 112] ZOrder 1 VariableName "wt" SampleTime "0" ZeroCross on } Block { BlockType FromWorkspace Name "From\nWorkspace1" SID "26" Position [195, 28, 260, 52] ZOrder 6 VariableName "vt" SampleTime "0" ZeroCross on } Block { BlockType SubSystem Name "GOVERNOR\n& DIESEL ENGINE" SID "1" Ports [2, 1] Position [125, 78, 215, 162] ZOrder -1 DropShadow on RequestExecContextInheritance off Variant off Object { $PropName "MaskObject" $ObjectID 22 $ClassName "Simulink.Mask" Type "Diesel Engine & Governor" Description "This block implements a diesel engine and governor system:\n1st and 2nd inputs: Desired and actual spee" "d (pu)\nOutput: Diesel engine mechanical power.Motor inertia should be combined with generator.\nController transfer " "function:\n Hc=K.(1+T3.s)/(1+T1.s+T1.T2.s^2)\nActuator transfer function : \n Ha= (1+T4.s) / [ (s (1+T5.s)(1+" "T6.s) ]\nMotor :\n Time delay Td\n\n(See reference in Tutorial Session 5)" Array { Type "Simulink.MaskParameter" Dimension 6 Object { $ObjectID 23 Type "edit" Name "K" Prompt "Regulator gain K: " Value "40" } Object { $ObjectID 24 Type "edit" Name "Tr" Prompt "Regulator time constants [T1 T2 T3 ] (s) :" Value "[0 0 1.14]" } Object { $ObjectID 25 Type "edit" Name "Ta" Prompt "Actuator time constants [T4 T5 T6] (s) :" Value "[0.25 0.009 0.0384]" } Object { $ObjectID 26 Type "edit" Name "Tlim" Prompt "Torque limits [Tmin Tmax] (pu) :" Value "[-1 10]" } Object { $ObjectID 27 Type "edit" Name "Td" Prompt "Engine time delay Td (s) :" Value "0.024" } Object { $ObjectID 28 Type "edit" Name "Tm0" Prompt "Initial value of mechanical power Pm0 (pu) :" Value "0.000270147" } PropName "Parameters" } } System { Name "GOVERNOR\n& DIESEL ENGINE" Location [193, 57, 1438, 814] Open off PortBlocksUseCompactNotation off ModelBrowserVisibility off ModelBrowserWidth 200 ScreenColor "white" PaperOrientation "landscape" PaperPositionMode "auto" PaperType "usletter" PaperUnits "inches" TiledPaperMargins [0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000, 0.500000] TiledPageScale 1 ShowPageBoundaries off ZoomFactor "175" Block { BlockType Inport Name "wref (pu)" SID "2" Position [25, 38, 55, 52] ZOrder -1 IconDisplay "Port number" } Block { BlockType Inport Name "w (pu)" SID "3" Position [25, 73, 55, 87] ZOrder -2 Port "2" IconDisplay "Port number" } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Name "CONTROL SYSTEM" SID "4" Position [135, 43, 230, 87] ZOrder -3 Numerator "(Tr(3) )" Denominator "([Tr(1)*Tr(2) Tr(1) 1])" } Block { BlockType TransportDelay Name "ENGINE\nTd" SID "5" Ports [1, 1] Position [490, 50, 520, 80] ZOrder -4 DelayTime "Td" InitialOutput "Tm0" } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Gain K" SID "6" Position [255, 49, 295, 81] ZOrder -5 Gain "K" } Block { BlockType Integrator Name "Integrator" SID "7" Ports [1, 1] Position [555, 50, 585, 80] ZOrder -6 InitialCondition "Tm0" LimitOutput on UpperSaturationLimit "Tlim(2)" LowerSaturationLimit "Tlim(1)" Port { PortNumber 1 Name "Torque" } } Block { BlockType Sum Name "Sum" SID "8" Ports [2, 1] Position [90, 29, 105, 96] ZOrder -7 ShowName off Inputs "+-" } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Name "TF1" SID "9" Position [310, 46, 385, 84] ZOrder -8 Numerator "([Ta(1) 1])" Denominator "([Ta(2) 1])" } Block { BlockType TransferFcn Name "TF2" SID "10" Position [400, 46, 465, 84] ZOrder -9 Numerator "1" Denominator "([Ta(3) 1])" } Block { BlockType Outport Name "Tmec (pu)" SID "11" Position [650, 58, 680, 72] ZOrder -10 IconDisplay "Port number" InitialOutput "0" } Line { ZOrder 1 SrcBlock "Gain K" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "TF1" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 2 SrcBlock "Sum" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "CONTROL SYSTEM" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 3 SrcBlock "CONTROL SYSTEM" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Gain K" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 4 SrcBlock "TF1" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "TF2" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 5 SrcBlock "w (pu)" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 2 } Line { ZOrder 6 SrcBlock "wref (pu)" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 7 SrcBlock "TF2" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "ENGINE\nTd" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 8 SrcBlock "ENGINE\nTd" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Integrator" DstPort 1 } Line { Name "Torque" ZOrder 9 Labels [1, 0] SrcBlock "Integrator" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Tmec (pu)" DstPort 1 } Annotation { SID "12" Name "ACTUATOR" Position [373, 103, 429, 117] InternalMargins [0, 0, 0, 0] ZOrder -1 } } } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Gain" SID "13" Position [250, 109, 270, 131] ZOrder -2 ShowName off ParamDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off } Block { BlockType Gain Name "Inercia" SID "14" Position [335, 109, 355, 131] ZOrder -3 ParamDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off } Block { BlockType Constant Name "Inicial" SID "15" Position [335, 173, 360, 187] ZOrder -4 NamePlacement "alternate" ShowName off } Block { BlockType Integrator Name "Integrator" SID "16" Ports [2, 1] Position [390, 107, 420, 138] ZOrder -5 ShowName off InitialConditionSource "external" } Block { BlockType Scope Name "Leitura_P" SID "17" Ports [2] Position [490, 118, 510, 142] ZOrder -6 BackgroundColor "gray" ScopeSpecificationString "Simulink.scopes.TimeScopeBlockCfg('CurrentConfiguration', extmgr.ConfigurationSet(extm" "gr.Configuration('Core','General UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('Core','Source UI',true),extmgr.Configuration('S" "ources','WiredSimulink',true,'DataLoggingSaveFormat','StructureWithTime','DataLoggingLimitDataPoints',true,'Data" "LoggingDecimation','1','DataLoggingDecimateData',true),extmgr.Configuration('Visuals','Time Domain',true,'Serial" "izedDisplays',{struct('MinYLimReal','0.81911','MaxYLimReal','1.09195','YLabelReal','','MinYLimMag','0.81911','Ma" "xYLimMag','1.09195','LegendVisibility','off','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0]," "'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.0" "745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.0" "745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156" "863],'Title','Rotação','LinePropertiesCache',{{}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',1,'LineNames',{{'Int" "egrator'}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',1),struct('MinYLimReal','-1.3297','MaxYLimReal','1.96729','YLabelReal'" ",'','MinYLimMag','0','MaxYLimMag','10','LegendVisibility','off','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'" "AxesColor',[0 0 0],'AxesTickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0" "666666666666667;0.0745098039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0." "831372549019608 0.0745098039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.074509803921" "5686 0.650980392156863],'Title','Torque','LinePropertiesCache',{{}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',1," "'LineNames',{{'GOVERNOR & DIESEL ENGINE'}},'ShowContent',true,'Placement',2)},'DisplayPropertyDefaults',struct('" "YLabelReal','','LegendVisibility','off','XGrid',true,'YGrid',true,'PlotMagPhase',false,'AxesColor',[0 0 0],'Axes" "TickColor',[0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922 0.686274509803922],'ColorOrder',[1 1 0.0666666666666667;0.074509" "8039215686 0.623529411764706 1;1 0.411764705882353 0.16078431372549;0.392156862745098 0.831372549019608 0.074509" "8039215686;0.717647058823529 0.274509803921569 1;0.0588235294117647 1 1;1 0.0745098039215686 0.650980392156863]," "'Title','Rotação','LinePropertiesCache',{{}},'UserDefinedChannelNames',{{}},'NumLines',0,'LineNames',{{[]}},'Sho" "wContent',true,'Placement',1),'DisplayLayoutDimensions',[2 1],'TimeRangeSamples','10','TimeRangeFrames','10'),ex" "tmgr.Configuration('Tools','Plot Navigation',true,'OnceAtStop',false,'PreviousAutoscale','XY'),extmgr.Configurat" "ion('Tools','Measurements',true,'Version','2017b')),'Version','2017b','Location',[277 194 1643 885])" NumInputPorts "2" } Block { BlockType Sum Name "Sum" SID "19" Ports [2, 1] Position [290, 110, 310, 130] ZOrder -8 ShowName off IconShape "round" Inputs "-+|" InputSameDT off OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule" SaturateOnIntegerOverflow off } Block { BlockType ToWorkspace Name "To Workspace" SID "27" Ports [1] Position [495, 30, 555, 60] ZOrder 7 VariableName "Wt" MaxDataPoints "inf" SaveFormat "Timeseries" Save2DSignal "3-D array (concatenate along third dimension)" FixptAsFi on SampleTime "-1" } Line { ZOrder 1 SrcBlock "Sum" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Inercia" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 2 SrcBlock "Integrator" SrcPort 1 Points [30, 0] Branch { ZOrder 3 DstBlock "Leitura_P" DstPort 1 } Branch { ZOrder 4 Points [0, -80] Branch { ZOrder 23 DstBlock "To Workspace" DstPort 1 } Branch { ZOrder 22 Points [0, -25; -350, 0; 0, 120] DstBlock "GOVERNOR\n& DIESEL ENGINE" DstPort 2 } } } Line { ZOrder 5 SrcBlock "Gain" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 2 } Line { ZOrder 6 SrcBlock "GOVERNOR\n& DIESEL ENGINE" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] Branch { ZOrder 7 DstBlock "Gain" DstPort 1 } Branch { ZOrder 8 Points [0, 100; 225, 0; 0, -85] DstBlock "Leitura_P" DstPort 2 } } Line { ZOrder 13 SrcBlock "From\nWorkspace" SrcPort 1 DstBlock "GOVERNOR\n& DIESEL ENGINE" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 10 SrcBlock "Inercia" SrcPort 1 Points [15, 0] DstBlock "Integrator" DstPort 1 } Line { ZOrder 11 SrcBlock "Inicial" SrcPort 1 Points [10, 0] DstBlock "Integrator" DstPort 2 } Line { ZOrder 21 SrcBlock "From\nWorkspace1" SrcPort 1 Points [35, 0] DstBlock "Sum" DstPort 1 } } }