function saveas2(varargin) %SAVEAS2 Saves figure with actual size. % % SYNTAX: % saveas2 % saveas2(NAME) % NAME may be [] % saveas2(NAME,RESOLUTION) % saveas2(NAME,RESOLUTION,FORMAT) % FORMAT may be: 'unknown' % saveas2(NAME,RESOLUTION,FORMAT,PRINTOPT) % saveas2(HANDLE,...) % % INPUT: % HANDLE - Figure handle. See NOTE below. % DEFAULT: gcf % NAME - String specifying the output figure name file. May % include full/relative path and with/without extension. % DEFAULT: Promts gui for user input if empty. % RESOLUTION - Figure resolution. % DEFAULT: 150 (150 dpi). % FORMAT - Output figure format. Use 'unknown' to display a list. % See NOTE below. % DEFAULT '.png' % PRINTOPT - Extra options for the PRINT function. % DEFAULT: none % % DESCRIPTION: % Depending on the FORMAT, this functions uses PRINT or SAVEAS % functions to save the specified (HANDLE) figure(s) matching the size % it has on screen. % % This is a mayor modification of Gabe Hoffmann function SAVE2PDF that % allows multiple formats (including '.fig'). Besides, it may display % a gui for output filename and image extension. % % NOTE: % * Optional inputs use its DEFAULT value when not given or []. % * Optional outputs may or not be called. % * When specifing several handles, the same quantity of filenames % shold be given as a cell of strings. % * When no FORMAT is given, it is extracted from the NAME extension. % * If FORMAT was invalid, the user is asked to select a valid one from % a list. See PRINTTABLE for details. % * If the filename already exist it will be OVERWRITTEN without any % warning!!! % % EXAMPLE: % figure, imagesc(peaks(40)) % % Saves current figure asking for the name % saveas2 % % Saves with specific name, format and resolution % saveas2('peaks.jpg',300) % % Saves the '.fig' file % saveas2('peaks.fig') % % Saves displaying a list of extensions (or devices) % saveas2('peaks',[],'unknown') % % SEE ALSO: % SAVEAS, PRINT % and % SAVE2PDF by Gabe Hoffmann % at % % % --- % MFILE: saveas2.m % VERSION: 1.1 (Sep 30, 2009) (download) % MATLAB: (R2008b) % AUTHOR: Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera (MEXICO) % CONTACT: % REVISIONS: % 1.0 Released. (Aug 20, 2009) % 1.1 Fixed important bug with 'fig' format and multiple figures. % (Sep 30, 2009) % DISCLAIMER: % saveas2.m is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, under the % revised BSD license. % Copyright (c) 2009 Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera % INPUTS CHECK-IN % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Defaults: NAME = ''; HANDLE = gcf; FORMAT = 'png'; RESOLUTION = '150'; PRINTOPT = {}; % Parameters: givenFORMAT = false; dformat = FORMAT; % First checks HANDLE. if ~isempty(varargin) && any(ishandle(varargin{1})) HANDLE = varargin{1}; varargin(1) = []; end % Now other inputs. if ~isempty(varargin) % Checks NAME. if ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ischar(varargin{1}) NAME = varargin{1}; end varargin(1) = []; if ~isempty(varargin) % Checks RESOLUTION. if ~isempty(varargin{1}) && isnumeric(varargin{1}) RESOLUTION = int2str(varargin{1}); end varargin(1) = []; if ~isempty(varargin) % Checks FORMAT. if ~isempty(varargin{1}) && ischar(varargin{1}) FORMAT = varargin{1}(1,:); givenFORMAT = true; if strcmp(FORMAT(1),'.') FORMAT(1) = ''; if isempty(FORMAT) givenFORMAT = false; end end end varargin(1) = []; if ~isempty(varargin) % Checks PRINTOPT. PRINTOPT = varargin; clear varargin end end end end % Gets size. N = length(HANDLE); % Checks NAME: if isempty(NAME) if N~=1 error('CVARGAS:saveas2:tooManyHandles',... 'NAMEs should be given when more than one figure.') end [thefile,thedir] = uiputfile('*','Save to file:'); if thefile==0; return; end NAME = fullfile(thedir,thefile); end % Changes char to cell. if ischar(NAME) NAME = {NAME}; end % Checks sizes. Nn = length(NAME); if Nn~=N error('CVARGAS:saveas2:incorrectHandlesAndNamesLengths',... 'Length NAME and HANDLE must match.') end % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % MAIN % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Main loop checkDev = true; theext = ''; for cont = 1:N name = NAME{cont}; handle = HANDLE(cont); if ~ishandle(handle) continue end % Looks for extension for FORMAT. if ~givenFORMAT [thedir,thename,theext] = fileparts(name); if length(theext)>2 FORMAT = theext(2:end); else FORMAT = dformat; end name = fullfile(thedir,thename); end % Uses SAVEAS. if strcmpi(FORMAT,'m') || strcmpi(FORMAT,'fig') || ... strcmpi(FORMAT,'mfig') || strcmpi(FORMAT,'mmat') saveas(handle,name,FORMAT) continue % Fixed BUG Sep 2009 end % Backup original figure settings. prePaperType = get(handle,'PaperType'); prePaperUnits = get(handle,'PaperUnits'); preUnits = get(handle,'Units'); prePaperPosition = get(handle,'PaperPosition'); prePaperSize = get(handle,'PaperSize'); % Make changing paper type possible set(handle,'PaperType',''); % Set units to all be the same set(handle,'PaperUnits','inches'); set(handle,'Units' ,'inches'); % Set the page size and position to match the figure's dimensions position = get(handle,'Position'); set(handle,'PaperPosition',[0 0 position(3:4)]); set(handle,'PaperSize' ,position(3:4)); % Checks print device. if checkDev % Gets valid devices. [ops,dev,ext] = printtables; [ext,ind] = sort(ext); dev = dev(ind); % Looks extensions. i = strmatch(FORMAT,ext); if length(i) >= 1 i = i(1); elseif isempty(i) % Looks devices. i = strmatch(FORMAT,dev,'exact'); if isempty(i) i = strmatch(FORMAT,dev); if ~isempty(i) i = i(1); end end end if ~isempty(i) FORMAT = dev{i}; else % Promts for print device. ind = menu('SELECT IMAGE FILE EXTENSION (or DEVICE)',... cellfun(@(a,b)[upper(a) ' (' b ')'],ext,dev,'UniformOutput',false)); if ind==0 return end FORMAT = dev{ind}; name = [name theext]; if ~isempty(ext{ind}) && ~strcmp(theext,ext{ind}) name = [name '.' ext{ind}]; end end if ~givenFORMAT checkDev = false; end end % Uses PRINT. print(handle,name,['-d' FORMAT],['-r' RESOLUTION],PRINTOPT{:}) % Restores figure settings. set(handle,'PaperType' ,prePaperType); set(handle,'PaperUnits' ,prePaperUnits); set(handle,'Units' ,preUnits); set(handle,'PaperPosition',prePaperPosition); set(handle,'PaperSize' ,prePaperSize); end % [EOF] saveas2.m