function [h, array] = display_network(A, opt_normalize, opt_graycolor, cols, opt_colmajor) % This function visualizes filters in matrix A. Each column of A is a % filter. We will reshape each column into a square image and visualizes % on each cell of the visualization panel. % All other parameters are optional, usually you do not need to worry % about it. % opt_normalize: whether we need to normalize the filter so that all of % them can have similar contrast. Default value is true. % opt_graycolor: whether we use gray as the heat map. Default is true. % cols: how many columns are there in the display. Default value is the % squareroot of the number of columns in A. % opt_colmajor: you can switch convention to row major for A. In that % case, each row of A is a filter. Default value is false. warning off all if ~exist('opt_normalize', 'var') || isempty(opt_normalize) opt_normalize= true; end if ~exist('opt_graycolor', 'var') || isempty(opt_graycolor) opt_graycolor= true; end if ~exist('opt_colmajor', 'var') || isempty(opt_colmajor) opt_colmajor = false; end % rescale A = A - mean(A(:)); if opt_graycolor, colormap(gray); end % compute rows, cols [L, M]=size(A); sz=sqrt(L); buf=1; if ~exist('cols', 'var') if floor(sqrt(M))^2 ~= M n=ceil(sqrt(M)); while mod(M, n)~=0 && n<1.2*sqrt(M), n=n+1; end m=ceil(M/n); else n=sqrt(M); m=n; end else n = cols; m = ceil(M/n); end array=-ones(buf+m*(sz+buf),buf+n*(sz+buf)); if ~opt_graycolor array = 0.1.* array; end if ~opt_colmajor k=1; for i=1:m for j=1:n if k>M, continue; end clim=max(abs(A(:,k))); if opt_normalize array(buf+(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/clim; else array(buf+(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/max(abs(A(:))); end k=k+1; end end else k=1; for j=1:n for i=1:m if k>M, continue; end clim=max(abs(A(:,k))); if opt_normalize array(buf+(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz)/clim; else array(buf+(i-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz),buf+(j-1)*(sz+buf)+(1:sz))=reshape(A(:,k),sz,sz); end k=k+1; end end end if opt_graycolor h=imagesc(array,'EraseMode','none',[-1 1]); else h=imagesc(array,'EraseMode','none',[-1 1]); end axis image off drawnow; warning on all