function [r, a, b, q] = colloc (n, varargin) % colloc: Calculate collocation weights % [r, A, B, q] = colloc( n [,'left'] [,'right']) % inputs: % n - number of interior node points % 'left' - include left boundary % 'right' - include right bounary also % outputs: % r - vector of roots % A - Matrix of first derivative weights % B - Matrix of second derivative weights % q - Quadrature weights. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 John W. Eaton % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU % General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free % Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA % 02111-1307, USA. % % Adapted from Octave's by Steve Swinnea. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nargs = nargin; if (nargs < 1 || nargs > 3) error ('usage: [r, a, b, q] = colloc (n, ''left'', ''right'')'); end if (~ (isnumeric (n) && numel (n) == 1 && round (n) == n)) error ('colloc: first argument must be an integer scalar'); end if (isnan (n) || isinf (n)) error ('colloc: NaN is invalid as N'); end if (n < 0) error ('colloc: first argument must be non-negative'); end n0 = 0; n1 = 0; for i = 2:nargs s = varargin{i-1}; if (~ isstr (s)) error ('colloc: expecting character string argument'); end s = lower (s); if (strcmp (s, 'r') || strcmp (s, 'right')) n1 = 1; elseif (strcmp (s, 'l') || strcmp (s, 'left')) n0 = 1; else error ('colloc: unrecognized argument'); end end nt = n + n0 + n1; if (nt < 1) error ('colloc: the total number of roots must be positive'); end alpha = 0; beta = 0; %% Compute roots. [dif1, dif2, dif3, r] = jcobi (n, n0, n1, alpha, beta); %% First derivative weights. a = zeros (nt, nt); for i = 1:nt a(i,:) = dfopr (n, n0, n1, i, 1, dif1, dif2, dif3, r)'; end %% Second derivative weights. b = zeros (nt, nt); for i = 1:nt b(i,:) = dfopr (n, n0, n1, i, 2, dif1, dif2, dif3, r)'; end %% Gaussian quadrature weights. id = 3; q = dfopr (n, n0, n1, 0, id, dif1, dif2, dif3, r); end %% The following routines (JCOBI, DIF, DFOPR, INTRP, AND RADAU) %% are the same as found in Villadsen, J. and M.L. Michelsen, %% Solution of Differential Equation Models by Polynomial %% Approximation, Prentice-Hall (1978) pages 418-420. %% %% Cosmetic changes (elimination of arithmetic IF statements, most %% GO TO statements, and indentation of program blocks) made by: %% %% John W. Eaton %% Department of Chemical Engineering %% The University of Texas at Austin %% Austin, Texas 78712 %% %% June 6, 1987 %% %% Some error checking additions also made on June 7, 1987 %% %% Further cosmetic changes made August 20, 1987 %% %% Translated from Fortran December 14, 2006 function vect = dfopr (n, n0, n1, i, id, dif1, dif2, dif3, root) %% Villadsen and Michelsen, pages 133-134, 419 %% %% Input parameters: %% %% N : The degree of the Jacobi polynomial, (i.e. the number %% of interior interpolation points) %% %% N0 : Determines whether x = 0 is included as an %% interpolation point %% %% n0 = 0 ==> x = 0 is not included %% n0 = 1 ==> x = 0 is included %% %% N1 : Determines whether x = 1 is included as an %% interpolation point %% %% n1 = 0 ==> x = 1 is not included %% n1 = 1 ==> x = 1 is included %% %% I : The index of the node for which the weights are to be %% calculated %% %% ID : Indicator %% %% id = 1 ==> first derivative weights are computed %% id = 2 ==> second derivative weights are computed %% id = 3 ==> Gaussian weights are computed (in this %% case, I is not used). %% %% Output parameters: %% %% DIF1 : vector containing the first derivative %% of the node polynomial at the zeros %% %% DIF2 : vector containing the second derivative %% of the node polynomial at the zeros %% %% DIF3 : vector containing the third derivative %% of the node polynomial at the zeros %% %% VECT : vector of computed weights if (n0 ~= 0 && n0 ~= 1) error ('dfopr: n0 not equal to 0 or 1'); end if (n1 ~= 0 && n1 ~= 1) error ('dfopr: n1 not equal to 0 or 1'); end if (n < 0) error ('dfopr: n less than 0'); end nt = n + n0 + n1; if (id ~= 1 && id ~= 2 && id ~= 3) error ('dfopr: id not equal to 1, 2, or 3'); end if (id ~= 3) if (i < 1) error ('dfopr: index less than zero'); end if (i > nt) error ('dfopr: index greater than number of interpolation points'); end end if (nt < 1) error ('dfopr: number of interpolation points less than 1'); end %% Evaluate discretization matrices and Gaussian quadrature %% weights. Quadrature weights are normalized to sum to one. vect = zeros (nt, 1); if (id ~= 3) for j = 1:nt if (j == i) if (id == 1) vect(i) = dif2(i)/dif1(i)/2.0; else vect(i) = dif3(i)/dif1(i)/3.0; end else y = root(i) - root(j); vect(j) = dif1(i)/dif1(j)/y; if (id == 2) vect(j) = vect(j)*(dif2(i)/dif1(i) - 2.0/y); end end end else y = 0.0; for j = 1:nt x = root(j); ax = x*(1.0 - x); if (n0 == 0) ax = ax/x/x; end if (n1 == 0) ax = ax/(1.0 - x)/(1.0 - x); end vect(j) = ax/dif1(j)^2; y = y + vect(j); end vect = vect/y; end end function [dif1, dif2, dif3, root] = jcobi (n, n0, n1, alpha, beta) %% Villadsen and Michelsen, pages 131-132, 418 %% %% This subroutine computes the zeros of the Jacobi polynomial %% %% (ALPHA,BETA) %% P (X) %% N %% %% Input parameters: %% %% N : The degree of the Jacobi polynomial, (i.e. the number %% of interior interpolation points) %% %% N0 : Determines whether x = 0 is included as an %% interpolation point %% %% N0 = 0 ==> x = 0 is not included %% N0 = 1 ==> x = 0 is included %% %% N1 : Determines whether x = 1 is included as an %% interpolation point %% %% N1 = 0 ==> x = 1 is not included %% N1 = 1 ==> x = 1 is included %% %% ALPHA : The value of alpha in the description of the jacobi %% polynomial %% %% BETA : The value of beta in the description of the Jacobi %% polynomial %% %% For a more complete explanation of alpha and beta, see Villadsen %% and Michelsen, pages 57 to 59 %% %% Output parameters: %% %% ROOT : vector containing the n + n0 + n1 zeros of the node %% polynomial used in the interpolation routine %% %% DIF1 : vector containing the first derivative %% of the node polynomial at the zeros %% %% DIF2 : vector containing the second derivative %% of the node polynomial at the zeros %% %% DIF3 : vector containing the third derivative %% of the node polynomial at the zeros if (n0 ~= 0 && n0 ~= 1) error ('jcobi: n0 not equal to 0 or 1'); end if (n1 ~= 0 && n1 ~= 1) error ('jcobi: n1 not equal to 0 or 1'); end if (n < 0) error ('jcobi: n less than 0'); end nt = n + n0 + n1; if (nt < 1) error ('jcobi: number of interpolation points less than 1'); end dif1 = zeros (nt, 1); dif2 = zeros (nt, 1); dif3 = zeros (nt, 1); root = zeros (nt, 1); %% First evaluation of coefficients in recursion formulas. %% recursion coefficients are stored in dif1 and dif2. ab = alpha + beta; ad = beta - alpha; ap = beta*alpha; dif1(1) = (ad/(ab + 2.0) + 1.0)/2.0; dif2(1) = 0.0; if (n >= 2) for i = 2:n z1 = i - 1.0; z = ab + 2*z1; dif1(i) = (ab*ad/z/(z + 2.0) + 1.0)/2.0; if (i == 2) dif2(i) = (ab + ap + z1)/z/z/(z + 1.0); else z = z*z; y = z1*(ab + z1); y = y*(ap + y); dif2(i) = y/z/(z - 1.0); end end end %% Root determination by newton method with suppression of %% previously determined roots. x = 0.0; for i = 1:n done = false; while (~ done) xd = 0.0; xn = 1.0; xd1 = 0.0; xn1 = 0.0; for j = 1:n xp = (dif1(j) - x)*xn - dif2(j)*xd; xp1 = (dif1(j) - x)*xn1 - dif2(j)*xd1 - xn; xd = xn; xd1 = xn1; xn = xp; xn1 = xp1; end zc = 1.0; z = xn/xn1; if (i ~= 1) for j = 2:i zc = zc - z/(x - root(j-1)); end end z = z/zc; x = x - z; if (abs(z) <= 1.0e-09) done = true; end end root(i) = x; x = x + 0.0001; end %% Add interpolation points at x = 0 and/or x = 1. nt = n + n0 + n1; if (n0 ~= 0) for i = 1:n j = n + 1 - i; root(j+1) = root(j); end root(1) = 0.0; end if (n1 == 1) root(nt) = 1.0; end %% Use recursion formulas to evaluate derivatives of node polynomial %% %% N0 (ALPHA,BETA) N1 %% P (X) = (X) * P (X) * (1 - X) %% NT N %% %% at the interpolation points. for i = 1:nt x = root(i); dif1(i) = 1.0; dif2(i) = 0.0; dif3(i) = 0.0; for j = 1:nt if (j ~= i) y = x - root(j); dif3(i) = y*dif3(i) + 3.0*dif2(i); dif2(i) = y*dif2(i) + 2.0*dif1(i); dif1(i) = y*dif1(i); end end end end