--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: log: C:\Users\IRILab001\Desktop\Arquivo_Log_Proxy.log log type: text opened on: 27 Sep 2019, 18:30:19 . xtset id year panel variable: id (strongly balanced) time variable: year, 82 to 87, but with gaps delta: 1 unit . reg lcrmrte unem lawexpc polpc south nrtheast west l5.lcrmrte if year==87 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 46 -------------+------------------------------ F( 7, 38) = 16.90 Model | 3.60446018 7 .514922882 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 1.15750916 38 .030460767 R-squared = 0.7569 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.7121 Total | 4.76196934 45 .105821541 Root MSE = .17453 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lcrmrte | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- unem | -.0081248 .0195225 -0.42 0.680 -.047646 .0313965 lawexpc | -.000024 .0001013 -0.24 0.814 -.0002292 .0001812 polpc | -.0034099 .0729891 -0.05 0.963 -.1511686 .1443487 south | .1832222 .0777019 2.36 0.024 .0259229 .3405215 nrtheast | .0337849 .0900155 0.38 0.710 -.1484419 .2160117 west | -.0522011 .097213 -0.54 0.594 -.2489986 .1445964 | lcrmrte | L5. | 1.111696 .1420655 7.83 0.000 .8240998 1.399293 | _cons | -.4386123 .6161542 -0.71 0.481 -1.685951 .8087267 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . reg lcrmrte unem lawexpc polpc south nrtheast west Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 92 -------------+------------------------------ F( 6, 85) = 4.26 Model | 1.69328817 6 .282214694 Prob > F = 0.0009 Residual | 5.63528633 85 .066297486 R-squared = 0.2311 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.1768 Total | 7.3285745 91 .080533786 Root MSE = .25748 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lcrmrte | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- unem | -.0027152 .0089716 -0.30 0.763 -.0205532 .0151227 lawexpc | .0000161 .0001138 0.14 0.888 -.0002101 .0002424 polpc | .2496528 .068009 3.67 0.000 .1144327 .3848729 south | .1999851 .0800314 2.50 0.014 .0408612 .359109 nrtheast | -.0119964 .0943612 -0.13 0.899 -.1996118 .175619 west | .1800319 .0913647 1.97 0.052 -.0016257 .3616894 _cons | 3.89824 .1706203 22.85 0.000 3.559001 4.237478 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . reg lcrmrte unem lawexpc l5.lcrmrte if year==87 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 46 -------------+------------------------------ F( 3, 42) = 29.75 Model | 3.23825792 3 1.07941931 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual | 1.52371142 42 .036278843 R-squared = 0.6800 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = 0.6572 Total | 4.76196934 45 .105821541 Root MSE = .19047 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lcrmrte | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- unem | .0083001 .0195298 0.42 0.673 -.0311126 .0477128 lawexpc | -.0001174 .0000907 -1.30 0.202 -.0003004 .0000655 | lcrmrte | L5. | 1.179657 .1285298 9.18 0.000 .9202736 1.439041 | _cons | -.6995695 .6056373 -1.16 0.255 -1.921795 .5226561 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . reg lcrmrte unem lawexpc if year==87 Source | SS df MS Number of obs = 46 -------------+------------------------------ F( 2, 43) = 0.86 Model | .182230676 2 .091115338 Prob > F = 0.4322 Residual | 4.57973866 43 .10650555 R-squared = 0.0383 -------------+------------------------------ Adj R-squared = -0.0065 Total | 4.76196934 45 .105821541 Root MSE = .32635 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ lcrmrte | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- unem | -.0315372 .0326255 -0.97 0.339 -.0973327 .0342583 lawexpc | .0001076 .0001495 0.72 0.476 -.000194 .0004092 _cons | 4.656629 .2774657 16.78 0.000 4.097066 5.216192 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ . log close name: log: C:\Users\IRILab001\Desktop\Arquivo_Log_Proxy.log log type: text closed on: 27 Sep 2019, 18:31:40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------