function [area,axes,angles,ellip]=ellipse(x,y,show,p) % ELLIPSE calculates an ellipse that fits the data using principal component analysis % [area,axes,angles,ellip]=ellipse(x,y,'show',p) % X and Y are vectors with same length % SHOW is an optional parameter to plot the data and the ellipse. % P is an optional parameter to set the desired confidence area of the % ellipse. E.g., for p=.95 (default value), 95% of the data will lie % inside the ellipse. Use p=.8535 if you want semi-axes of the ellipse with a % length of 1.96 standard deviations (95% confidence interval in each axis). % The outputs are the area of the ellipse (p*100% of the samples lie inside of % the ellipse), the axis lengths (major axis first), the respective angles (in rad), % and the ellipse data. % Marcos Duarte 1999-2003 if exist('p') & ~isempty(p) & p~=.95 if exist('raylinv.m')==2 %The problem here is to find the probability p of having data with the distance % given by sqrt(x.^2+y.^2), wich has a Rayleigh distribution, less than a % certain value (the boundary of the ellipse). invp = raylinv(p,2)/2; %Inverse of the Rayleigh cumulative distribution function. else warning('Statistics toolbox not available. Using the default value p=.95') p = .95; invp = 4.8955/2; end else p = .95; invp = 4.8955/2; %p = .8535; invp = 1.96 % uncomment this line in case you don't have the stats toolbox and want this axis end V = cov(x,y); % covariance matrix % 1st way: [vec,val] = eig(V); % eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the covariance matrix axes = invp*sqrt(svd(val)); % axes angles = -atan2( vec(1,:),vec(2,:) ); % angles area = pi*prod(axes); % area % 2nd way (in case you don't want to use EIG and SVD): %axes(1)=(V(1,1)+V(2,2)+sqrt( (V(1,1)-V(2,2))^2+4*V(2,1)^2 ))/2; %axes(2)=(V(1,1)+V(2,2)-sqrt( (V(1,1)-V(2,2))^2+4*V(2,1)^2 ))/2; %angles=atan2( V(1,2),axes-V(2,2) ); % angles %axes=invp*sqrt(axes); % axes %area=pi*prod(axes); % area %vec=[cos(angles(1)) -sin(angles(1)); sin(angles(1)) cos(angles(1))]; %val=([axes(1) 0; 0 axes(2)]/1.96).^2; % ellipse data: t = linspace(0,2*pi); ellip = vec*invp*sqrt(val)*[cos(t); sin(t)] + repmat([mean(x);mean(y)],1,100); ellip = ellip'; axes = axes'; % plot: % if exist('show') & ~isempty(show) % p2=polyfit(x,y,1); % fit=polyval(p2,[min(x) max(x)]); % m = [mean(x) mean(x); mean(y) mean(y)]; % ax = [cos(angles); sin(angles)].*[axes; axes] + m; % figure % axis image % axis([-2 2 -2 2]) % set(gca,'box','on') % hold on % plot(x,y,'b-',x(1),y(1),'^k',x(end),y(end),'vm') % plot(ellip(:,1),ellip(:,2),'r','linewidth',2) % plot([ax(1,:); 2*m(1,:)-ax(1,:)],[ax(2,:); 2*m(2,:)-ax(2,:)],'r--','linewidth',2) % plot([min(x) max(x)],fit,'k','linewidth',2) % hold off % legend('Data','Linear regression','Ellipse & axes',0) % xlabel('X') % ylabel('Y') % title([num2str(p*100) '% CONFIDENCE ELLIPSE (area = ' num2str(area) ', angle = ' num2str(round(angles(1)*180/pi*10)/10) '^o)']) end