% read WOA 1ºx1º resolution data downloaded from % http://www.nodc.noaa.gov/ % Read the readme file. % % these data are distributed as NETCDF files, in a 180x360 % % Get the file names from the directory d=dir(['woa18_decav*.nc']); % read lat and lon from the first files: str=['lon=ncread(''',d(1).name,''',''lon'');']; eval(str) str=['lat=ncread(''',d(1).name,''',''lat'');']; eval(str) str=['dep=ncread(''',d(1).name,''',''depth'');']; eval(str) disp(d(1).name); tem=ncread(d.name,'t_an'); % plot the SST map imagesc(lon,lat,squeeze(tem(:,:,1))');axis('xy');t=colorbar; title('Temperatura da superficie do mar') xlabel('longitude') ylabel('latitude') tt=get(t,'title'); set(tt,'string','(^oC)') print -dpng woa18_0m.png