% MATLAB routine to calculate modal characteristics, % namely eigenvalues, undamped natural frequencies for a % beam with given boundary conditions % % % clear all clc % % Define material properties % rho = 7830 ; % beam's mass density E = 200e9 ; % beam's Elasticity Modulus % % % Define beam's geometric properties % L = 1000e-3 ; % Length b = 25.41e-3 ; % Width h = 9.54e-3 ; % Thickness % % Calculate basic properties % A = b*h ; % Cross section area I = (b*h^3)/12 ; % Polar moment of inertia m = rho*(b*h*L) ; % Beam' total mass md = m/L; % mass per unit of length % k1 = 100 ; k2 = 100 ; % Define spring constants for soft suspension % i = sqrt(-1); % % Characteristic equation for eigenvalues % % EI = E*I; % Define which equivalent bending stiffness to use wave = sqrt((EI)/(md*L^4)) ; % dimension factor % Alfa = [0:0.0001:20]; % for p = 1: length(Alfa) alfa = Alfa(p); % y11 = -EI*alfa^2 ; y12 = 0 ; y13 = EI*alfa^2 ; y14 = 0 ; % % y21 = k1; y22 = -EI*alfa^3; y23 = k1 ; y24 = EI*alfa^3 ; % y31 = -EI*alfa^2*cos(alfa*L) ; y32 = -EI*alfa^2*sin(alfa*L) ; y33 = EI*alfa^2*cosh(alfa*L) ; y34 = EI*alfa^2*sinh(alfa*L) ; % y41 = EI*alfa^3*sin(alfa*L) - k2*cos(alfa*L) ; y42 = -EI*alfa^3*cos(alfa*L) - k2*sin(alfa*L) ; y43 = EI*alfa^3*sinh(alfa*L) - k2*cosh(alfa*L) ; y44 = EI*alfa^3*cosh(alfa*L) - k2*sinh(alfa*L) ; % y = [y11 y12 y13 y14 ; y21 y22 y23 y24 ; y31 y32 y33 y34 ; y41 y42 y43 y44] ; % % roots of the characteristic equation for eigenvalues z(p) = det(y) ; % my model % end z = z'; % u = 1 ; % for j = 1:length(Alfa)-1 if z(j)*z(j+1) < 0 an(u) = Alfa(j) ; % search for eigenvalues model u = u + 1 ; else end end % % % Calculate the natural frequencies in rad/s and Hz % wmodel = (an*L).^2*wave ; fmodel = wmodel/(2*pi); format short e an % eigenvalues fmodel % natural frequencies in Hz % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%