Retrieve all predicted proteins from a given accession number. This will work for genomes represented as single replicons. For organisms for multichromosomes other alternatives shoudl be used. First Install Entrez Direct, a set of command line utilities to query Entrez from the command line. Uncompress the file, using the command tar, and then add the restultin folder to your PATH. Second Using the web interface Let's locate the genome for a fiven taxon. Go to: Let look for 'Acetobacter ascendens' strain 'LMG 1590'. Identify the accession number representing the chromosome of this organism. Third In the Linux command line interface we will use esearch and efetch to retrieve all predicted proteins in the chromosome: esearch -db nucleotide -query NZ_CP015164.1 |efetch -format fasta_cds_aa > NZ_CP015164.1.prots.fasta Fourth Check the entry in RefSeq for the genome in step 3rd. Fifth Check the documentation for Entrez Utilities, particularly the section about Retrieving Sequence Reports