############# # Pedigree ############# #install.packages("pedigreemm") library(pedigreemm) #load pedigreemm package # read in the pedigree data ped <- read.table("ped.txt", header = TRUE) head(ped) tail(ped) str(ped) #editPed function orders the pedigre from oldest to newest args(editPed) ped2 <- editPed(ped$male, ped$female, ped$gid) head(ped2) # the last col is generation tail(ped2) #constructs the pedigree object args(pedigree) ped3 <- pedigree(ped2$sire, ped2$dam, ped2$label) head(ped3) tail(ped3) # creates the A matrix (relationship matrix, which means 2 times de kinship matrix) A <- getA(ped3) A <- as.matrix(A) dim(A) A[1:7, 1:7] # the first seven parents A[47:54, 47:54] # the last hybrids # let`s save or A matrix` saveRDS(A, "A") #################### # graphs analysis #################### # svd decomposition - by individuals svdG <- svd(A, nu = ncol(A), nv = nrow(A)) plot(cumsum((svdG$d[1:ncol(A)])^2/sum(svdG$d^2)), ylab = "proportion accumulated", xlab = "number of individuals", col = "red") # obtainig the eigenvectors and eigenvalues pcsG <- A %*% svdG$v rownames(pcsG) <- colnames(pcsG) <- rownames(A) dim(pcsG) pcsG[1:14,1:5] # PCA graphs # proportion explained by the first componentes axispcs <- paste((round(svdG$d[1:ncol(A)]^2/sum(svdG$d^2)*100))[1:3], "%", sep = "") axispcs # 3D graph library(scatterplot3d) scatterplot3d(pcsG[,1], pcsG[,2], pcsG[,3], xlab = axispcs[1], ylab = axispcs[2], zlab = axispcs[3], axis = TRUE, color = "red", highlight.3d = FALSE, box = TRUE, angle = 50) # 2D graph par(mfrow = c(1,2)) plot(x = pcsG[,1], y = pcsG[,2], xlab = axispcs[1], ylab = axispcs[2], col = "red", main = "PC 1 vs PC 2") plot(x = pcsG[,1], y = pcsG[,3], xlab = axispcs[1], ylab = axispcs[3], col = "blue", main = "PC 1 vs PC 3") dev.off() ############## # heatmaps ############## #install.packages("superheat") library(superheat) args(superheat) superheat(A, pretty.order.rows = T, pretty.order.cols = T, col.dendrogram = T, clustering.method = "kmeans", dist.method = "euclidean", bottom.label.text.size = 2, left.label.text.size = 2, legend.text.size = 5) # saving the graph for papers png("heatmapA.png", width = 8, height = 8, res = 400, units = "in") superheat(A, pretty.order.rows = T, pretty.order.cols = T, col.dendrogram = T, clustering.method = "kmeans", dist.method = "euclidean", bottom.label.text.size = 2, left.label.text.size = 2, legend.text.size = 5) dev.off() ####################################