function Corrige_Perfil clear close all resol=get(0,'ScreenSize'); xresol=resol(3); yresol=resol(4); [nome]=uigetfile('*.*','Selecione o arquivo de dados'); if nome==0 return end airf=load(nome); corda=max(airf(:,1))-min(airf(:,1)); [ataque,ile]=min(airf(:,1)); x=(airf(:,1)-ataque)/corda; n=length(x); if abs(x(1)-1)>1e-3 | abs(x(n)-1)>1e-3 h=warndlg('Os dados da seção não estão ordenados do bordo de fuga ao bordo de fuga!'); waitfor(h); return end altura=airf(ile,2); y=(airf(:,2)-altura)/corda; x_ori=x; y_ori=y; [temp,ile]=min(x); h=figure('Position',[xresol/4,yresol/4,xresol/2,yresol/2]); plot(x,y,'.r'),axis('equal') legend('original') title('Seção de Aerofólio') xlabel('x/c') ylabel('y/c') RPT=opta('Quer redistribuir os pontos?','Sim','Não'); close(h) if RPT==1 def={'401'}; answer=inputdlg({'Número de pontos:'},' ',1,def); if max(size(answer))==0 answer=def; end m=2*round(0.5*str2num(answer{1}))+1; i=(1:m)'; REF=opta('Tipo de refinamento:','Só bordo de ataque','Bordo de ataque e de fuga'); if REF==2 xo=0.5*(1-sin(2*pi*(i-1)/(m-1)-pi/2)); else xo=(1-sin(pi*(i-1)/(m-1))); end [temp,ile]=min(x); isu=find(x<=0.1); [temp,ole]=min(xo); osu=find(xo<=0.01); yo(1:ole,1)=interp1(x(1:ile),y(1:ile),xo(1:ole),'cubic'); yo(ole:m,1)=interp1(x(ile:n),y(ile:n),xo(ole:m),'cubic'); xo(osu)=interp1(y(isu),x(isu),yo(osu),'cubic'); h=figure('Position',[xresol/4,yresol/4,xresol/2,yresol/2]); plot(x,y,'r',xo,yo,'-bx'),axis('equal') legend('original','interpolado') title('Seção de Aerofólio') xlabel('x/c') ylabel('y/c') RP=opta('Usar redistribuição?','Sim','Não'); close(h); if RP==1 n=m; ile=ole; x=xo; y=yo; x_ori=x; y_ori=y; end end dy=diff(y)./diff(x); ddy=diff(dy)./diff(x(1:n-1)); dy=(atan(atan(dy))/max(abs(atan(atan(dy))))); ddy=(atan(atan(ddy))/max(abs(atan(atan(ddy))))); %Figuras figure('Position',[0,0,resol(3)/2,resol(4)/2],... 'Name','SEÇÃO DE AEROFÓLIO','NumberTitle','off') figure('Position',[resol(3)/2,resol(4)/2,resol(3)/2,resol(4)/2.35],... 'Name','INCLINAÇÃO','NumberTitle','off') figure('Position',[resol(3)/2,0,resol(3)/2,resol(4)/2.35],... 'Name','CURVATURA','NumberTitle','off') figure(1) plot(x,y,'b'),axis('equal') legend('original') %title('Seção de Aerofólio') xlabel('x') ylabel('y') figure(2) plot(x(2:n),dy,'-k') axis([-0.01 1.01 min(dy) max(dy)]) %title('Inclinação') xlabel('x/c') ylabel('dy/dx') figure(3) plot(x(2:n-1),ddy,'-k') axis([-0.01 1.01 min(ddy) max(ddy)]) %title('Curvatura') xlabel('x/c') ylabel('d^2y/dx^2') RPT=opta('Iniciar a suavização?','Sim','Não'); if RPT==1 prompt={'Número de iterações:','Pontos para a média:','Variação máxima (% da corda):'}; dlg_title=' '; num_lines=1; def={'10','2','0.02'}; answer=inputdlg(prompt,dlg_title,num_lines,def); if max(size(answer))==0 answer=def; end itera=str2num(answer{1}); nave=str2num(answer{2}); n_med=max(2,round(nave)); maxchange=str2num(answer{3}); xba=0.1; while RPT==1 h=waitbar(0,'Processando...'); for k=1:itera waitbar(k/itera) for i=1+n_med:n-n_med i1=i-n_med; i2=i+n_med; delta=0.25; x1=(1-delta)*xba; x2=(1+delta)*xba; if x(i)x2 [c,s,mu]=polyfit(x(i1:i2),y(i1:i2),2); temp=polyval(c,x(i),[],mu); comp=abs(temp-y_ori(i))=x1 & x(i)<=x2 [c,s,mu]=polyfit(y(i1:i2),x(i1:i2),2); temp=polyval(c,y(i),[],mu); temp=x(i)+(x2-x(i))/(x2-x1)*(temp-x(i)); comp=abs(temp-x_ori(i))> K = menu('Choose a color','Red','Blue','Green') % displays on the screen: % % ----- Choose a color ----- % % 1) Red % 2) Blue % 3) Green % % Select a menu number: % % The number entered by the user in response to the prompt is % returned as K (i.e. K = 2 implies that the user selected Blue). % % See also UICONTROL, UIMENU, GUIDE. % J.N. Little 4-21-87, revised 4-13-92 by LS, 2-18-97 by KGK. % Copyright 1984-2005 The MathWorks, Inc. % $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/06/21 19:41:25 $ %========================================================================= % Check input %------------------------------------------------------------------------- if nargin < 2, disp('MENU: No menu items to choose from.') k=0; return; elseif nargin==2 & iscell(varargin{1}), ArgsIn = varargin{1}; % a cell array was passed in else, ArgsIn = varargin; % use the varargin cell array end %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Check computer type to see if we can use a GUI %------------------------------------------------------------------------- useGUI = 1; % Assume we can use a GUI if isunix, % Unix? useGUI = length(getenv('DISPLAY')) > 0; end % if %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Create the appropriate menu %------------------------------------------------------------------------- if useGUI, % Create a GUI menu to aquire answer "k" k = local_GUImenu( xHeader, ArgsIn ); else, % Create an ascii menu to aquire answer "k" k = local_ASCIImenu( xHeader, ArgsIn ); end % if %%######################################################################### % END : main function "menu" %%######################################################################### %%######################################################################### % BEGIN : local function local_ASCIImenu %%######################################################################### function k = local_ASCIImenu( xHeader, xcItems ) % local function to display an ascii-generated menu and return the user's % selection from that menu as an index into the xcItems cell array %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Calculate the number of items in the menu %------------------------------------------------------------------------- numItems = length(xcItems); %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Continuous loop to redisplay menu until the user makes a valid choice %------------------------------------------------------------------------- while 1, % Display the header disp(' ') disp(['----- ',xHeader,' -----']) disp(' ') % Display items in a numbered list for n = 1 : numItems disp( [ ' ' int2str(n) ') ' xcItems{n} ] ) end disp(' ') % Prompt for user input k = input('Select a menu number: '); % Check input: % 1) make sure k has a value if isempty(k), k = -1; end; % 2) make sure the value of k is valid if (k < 1) | (k > numItems) ... | ~strcmp(class(k),'double') ... | ~isreal(k) | (isnan(k)) | isinf(k), % Failed a key test. Ask question again disp(' ') disp('Selection out of range. Try again.') else % Passed all tests, exit loop and return k return end % if k... end % while 1 %%######################################################################### % END : local function local_ASCIImenu %%######################################################################### %%######################################################################### % BEGIN : local function local_GUImenu %%######################################################################### function k = local_GUImenu( xHeader, xcItems ) % local function to display a Handle Graphics menu and return the user's % selection from that menu as an index into the xcItems cell array %========================================================================= % SET UP %========================================================================= % Set spacing and sizing parameters for the GUI elements %------------------------------------------------------------------------- MenuUnits = 'points'; % units used for all HG objects resol=get(0,'ScreenSize'); xresol=resol(3); yresol=resol(4); textPadding = [18 8]; % extra [Width Height] on uicontrols to pad text uiGap = 5; % space between uicontrols uiBorder = 5; % space between edge of figure and any uicontol winTopGap =0.10*yresol; % gap between top of screen and top of figure ** winLeftGap=0.10*xresol; % gap between side of screen and side of figure ** % ** "figure" ==> viewable figure. You must allow space for the OS to add % a title bar (aprx 42 points on Mac and Windows) and a window border % (usu 2-6 points). Otherwise user cannot move the window. %------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Calculate the number of items in the menu %------------------------------------------------------------------------- numItems = length( xcItems ); %========================================================================= % BUILD %========================================================================= % Create a generically-sized invisible figure window %------------------------------------------------------------------------ menuFig = figure( 'Units' ,MenuUnits, ... 'Visible' ,'off', ... 'NumberTitle' ,'off', ... 'Name' ,' ', ... 'Resize' ,'off', ... 'Colormap' ,[], ... 'Color' ,[1 1 0], ... 'Menubar' ,'none',... 'Toolbar' ,'none',... 'CloseRequestFcn','set(gcbf,''userdata'',0)'); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Add generically-sized header text with same background color as figure %------------------------------------------------------------------------ hText = uicontrol( ... 'FontSize' ,11, ... 'style' ,'text', ... 'string' ,xHeader, ... 'units' ,MenuUnits, ... 'Position' ,[ 100 100 100 20 ], ... 'Horizontal' ,'center',... 'BackGround' ,get(menuFig,'Color') ); % Record extent of text string maxsize = get( hText, 'Extent' ); textWide = maxsize(3); textHigh = maxsize(4); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Add generically-spaced buttons below the header text %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Loop to add buttons in reverse order (to automatically initialize numitems). % Note that buttons may overlap, but are placed in correct position relative % to each other. They will be resized and spaced evenly later on. for idx = numItems : -1 : 1; % start from top of screen and go down n = numItems - idx + 1; % start from 1st button and go to last % make a button hBtn(n) = uicontrol( ... 'units' ,MenuUnits, ... 'FontSize' ,10, ... 'position' ,[uiBorder uiGap*idx textHigh textWide], ... 'callback' ,['set(gcf,''userdata'',',int2str(n),')'], ... 'string' ,xcItems{n} ); end % for %========================================================================= % TWEAK %========================================================================= % Calculate Optimal UIcontrol dimensions based on max text size %------------------------------------------------------------------------ cAllExtents = get( hBtn, {'Extent'} ); % put all data in a cell array AllExtents = cat( 1, cAllExtents{:} ); % convert to an n x 3 matrix maxsize = max( AllExtents(:,3:4) ); % calculate the largest width & height maxsize = maxsize + textPadding; % add some blank space around text btnHigh = maxsize(2); btnWide = maxsize(1); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Retrieve screen dimensions (in correct units) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ oldUnits = get(0,'Units'); % remember old units set( 0, 'Units', MenuUnits ); % convert to desired units screensize = get(0,'ScreenSize'); % record screensize set( 0, 'Units', oldUnits ); % convert back to old units %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % How many rows and columns of buttons will fit in the screen? % Note: vertical space for buttons is the critical dimension % --window can't be moved up, but can be moved side-to-side %------------------------------------------------------------------------ openSpace = screensize(4) - winTopGap - 2*uiBorder - textHigh; numRows = min( floor( openSpace/(btnHigh + uiGap) ), numItems ); if numRows == 0; numRows = 1; end % Trivial case--but very safe to do numCols = ceil( numItems/numRows ); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Resize figure to place it in top left of screen %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Calculate the window size needed to display all buttons winHigh = numRows*(btnHigh + uiGap) + textHigh + 2*uiBorder; winWide = numCols*(btnWide) + (numCols - 1)*uiGap + 2*uiBorder; % Make sure the text header fits if winWide < (2*uiBorder + textWide), winWide = 2*uiBorder + textWide; end % Determine final placement coordinates for bottom of figure window bottom = screensize(4) - (winHigh + winTopGap); % Set figure window position set( menuFig, 'Position', [winLeftGap bottom winWide winHigh] ); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Size uicontrols to fit everyone in the window and see all text %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Calculate coordinates of bottom-left corner of all buttons xPos = ( uiBorder + [0:numCols-1]'*( btnWide + uiGap )*ones(1,numRows) )'; xPos = xPos(1:numItems)+(winWide-btnWide)/2-uiGap; % [ all 1st col; all 2nd col; ...; all nth col ] yPos = ( uiBorder + [numRows-1:-1:0]'*( btnHigh + uiGap )*ones(1,numCols) ); yPos = yPos(1:numItems); % [ rows 1:m; rows 1:m; ...; rows 1:m ] % Combine with desired button size to get a cell array of position vectors allBtn = ones(numItems,1); uiPosMtx = [ xPos(:), yPos(:), btnWide*allBtn, btnHigh*allBtn ]; cUIPos = num2cell( uiPosMtx( 1:numItems, : ), 2 ); % adjust all buttons set( hBtn, {'Position'}, cUIPos ); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Align the Text and Buttons horizontally and distribute them vertically %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Calculate placement position of the Header textWide = winWide - 2*uiBorder; % Move Header text into correct position near the top of figure set( hText, ... 'Position', [ uiBorder winHigh-uiBorder-textHigh textWide textHigh ] ); %========================================================================= % ACTIVATE %========================================================================= % Make figure visible %------------------------------------------------------------------------ set( menuFig, 'Visible', 'on' ); %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Wait for choice to be made (i.e UserData must be assigned)... %------------------------------------------------------------------------ waitfor(gcf,'userdata') %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % ...selection has been made. Assign k and delete the Menu figure %------------------------------------------------------------------------ k = get(gcf,'userdata'); delete(menuFig) %%######################################################################### % END : local function local_GUImenu %%#########################################################################