function h=subtightplot(m,n,p,gap,marg_h,marg_w,varargin) %function h=subtightplot(m,n,p,gap,marg_h,marg_w,varargin) % % Functional purpose: A wrapper function for Matlab function subplot. Adds the ability to define the gap between % neighbouring subplots. Unfotrtunately Matlab subplot function lacks this functionality, and the gap between % subplots can reach 40% of figure area, which is pretty lavish. % % Input arguments (defaults exist): % gap- two elements vector [vertical,horizontal] defining the gap between neighbouring axes. Default value % is 0.01. Note this vale will cause titles legends and labels to collide with the subplots, while presenting % relatively large axis. % marg_h margins in height in normalized units (0...1) % or [lower uppper] for different lower and upper margins % marg_w margins in width in normalized units (0...1) % or [left right] for different left and right margins % % Output arguments: same as subplot- none, or axes handle according to function call. % % Issues & Comments: Note that if additional elements are used in order to be passed to subplot, gap parameter must % be defined. For default gap value use empty element- []. % % Usage example: h=subtightplot((2,3,1:2,[0.5,0.2]) if (nargin<4) || isempty(gap), gap=0.01; end if (nargin<5) || isempty(marg_h), marg_h=0.05; end if (nargin<5) || isempty(marg_w), marg_w=marg_h; end if isscalar(gap), gap(2)=gap; end if isscalar(marg_h), marg_h(2)=marg_h; end if isscalar(marg_w), marg_w(2)=marg_w; end gap_vert = gap(1); gap_horz = gap(2); marg_lower = marg_h(1); marg_upper = marg_h(2); marg_left = marg_w(1); marg_right = marg_w(2); %note n and m are switched as Matlab indexing is column-wise, while subplot indexing is row-wise :( [subplot_col,subplot_row]=ind2sub([n,m],p); % note subplot suppors vector p inputs- so a merged subplot of higher dimentions will be created subplot_cols=1+max(subplot_col)-min(subplot_col); % number of column elements in merged subplot subplot_rows=1+max(subplot_row)-min(subplot_row); % number of row elements in merged subplot % single subplot dimensions: %height=(1-(m+1)*gap_vert)/m; %axh = (1-sum(marg_h)-(Nh-1)*gap(1))/Nh; height=(1-(marg_lower+marg_upper)-(m-1)*gap_vert)/m; %width =(1-(n+1)*gap_horz)/n; %axw = (1-sum(marg_w)-(Nw-1)*gap(2))/Nw; width =(1-(marg_left+marg_right)-(n-1)*gap_horz)/n; % merged subplot dimensions: merged_height=subplot_rows*( height+gap_vert )- gap_vert; merged_width= subplot_cols*( width +gap_horz )- gap_horz; % merged subplot position: merged_bottom=(m-max(subplot_row))*(height+gap_vert) +marg_lower; merged_left=(min(subplot_col)-1)*(width+gap_horz) +marg_left; pos_vec=[merged_left merged_bottom merged_width merged_height]; % h_subplot=subplot(m,n,p,varargin{:},'Position',pos_vec); % Above line doesn't work as subplot tends to ignore 'position' when same mnp is utilized h=subplot('Position',pos_vec,varargin{:}); if (nargout < 1), clear h; end end