% Select the WOA13 profiles in the area of interest. % % load WOA13 matfiles and cut in the region of interest to reduce file size. % prefix=['/home/alunos/seunome/']; d=dir([prefix,'woa13_t*mat']); zz=[0:5:1000]; for i=1:12 str=['load ',prefix,d(i).name]; eval(str) ila=find(lat>=-45&lat<=-20); ilo=find(lon>=-46&lon<=-32); rla=lat(ila); rlo=lon(ilo); rtem=tem(ila,ilo,:); for ii=1:length(ila) for jj=1:length(ilo) taux=squeeze(rtem(ii,jj,:)); L=~isnan(taux); if sum(L)~=0; ti=interp1(dep(L),taux(L),zz); end traux(ii,jj,:)=ti; end end ttclim(:,:,:,i)=traux; end save woa13_TSA ttclim rla rlo zz