% % Síntese mu % % SEM 5928 - Sistemas de Controle % Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos - USP % % Adriano Siqueira - 2016 % % Uses the Mu toolbox clear all close all clc; G0=[-87.8 86.4; 108.2 -109.6]; dyn = nd2sys(1,[75 1]); Dyn=daug(dyn,dyn); G=mmult(Dyn,G0); % Weights wp=nd2sys([10 1],[10 1.e-5],0.5);Wp=daug(wp,wp); wi=nd2sys([1 0.2],[0.5 1]);Wi=daug(wi,wi); % Generalized plant P systemnames = 'G Wp Wi'; inputvar = '[ydel(2); w(2) ; u(2)]' outputvar = '[Wi; Wp; -G-w]'; input_to_G = '[u+ydel]'; input_to_Wp = '[G+w]'; input_to_Wi = '[u]'; sysoutname = 'P'; cleanupsysic = 'yes'; sysic; % Initialize omega = logspace(-3,3,61); blk = [1 1; 1 1; 2 2]; nmeas=2;nu=2;gmin=0.9;gamma=2;tol=0.01;d0=1; dsysl = daug(d0,d0,eye(2),eye(2)); dsysr = dsysl %% %START ITERATION1 % STEP 1 Find Hinfinity optimal controller % with given scalings DPD = mmult(dsysl,P,minv(dsysr));gmax=1.05*gamma; [K,Nsc,gamma] = hinfsyn(DPD,nmeas,nu,gmin,gmax,tol); Nf=frsp(Nsc,omega);%Remark Without scaling N=starp(P,K). %STEP 2 Compute mu using upper bound [mubnds,rowd,sens,rowp,rowg] = mu(Nf,blk,'c'); vplot('liv,m',mubnds); murp=pkvnorm(mubnds,inf) % STEP 3 Fit resulting Dscales [dsysl,dsysr] = musynflp(dsysl,rowd,sens,blk,nmeas,nu);% choose 4th order % entrar com 4 enter -1 enter 4 enter -1 enter % %% %START ITERATION2 % STEP 1 Find Hinfinity optimal controller % with given scalings DPD = mmult(dsysl,P,minv(dsysr));gmax=1.05*gamma; [K,Nsc,gamma] = hinfsyn(DPD,nmeas,nu,gmin,gmax,tol); Nf=frsp(Nsc,omega);%Remark Without scaling N=starp(P,K). %STEP 2 Compute mu using upper bound [mubnds,rowd,sens,rowp,rowg] = mu(Nf,blk,'c'); vplot('liv,m',mubnds); murp=pkvnorm(mubnds,inf) % STEP 3 Fit resulting Dscales [dsysl,dsysr] = musynflp(dsysl,rowd,sens,blk,nmeas,nu);% choose 4th order % entrar com 4 enter -1 enter 4 enter -1 enter % %% %START ITERATION3 % STEP 1 Find Hinfinity optimal controller % with given scalings DPD = mmult(dsysl,P,minv(dsysr));gmax=1.05*gamma; [K,Nsc,gamma] = hinfsyn(DPD,nmeas,nu,gmin,gmax,tol); Nf=frsp(Nsc,omega);%Remark Without scaling N=starp(P,K). %STEP 2 Compute mu using upper bound [mubnds,rowd,sens,rowp,rowg] = mu(Nf,blk,'c'); vplot('liv,m',mubnds); murp=pkvnorm(mubnds,inf) % STEP 3 Fit resulting Dscales [dsysl,dsysr] = musynflp(dsysl,rowd,sens,blk,nmeas,nu);% choose 4th order % entrar com 4 enter -1 enter 4 enter -1 enter % %% N = starp(P,K); omega=logspace(-3,3,61); Nf = frsp(N,omega); % mu for RP blk =[1 1;1 1;2 2]; [mubnds,rowd,sens,rowp,rowg] = mu(Nf,blk,'c'); muRP = sel(mubnds,':',1); pkvnorm(muRP) % % Worstcase weighted sensitivity [delworst,muslow,musup] = wcperf(Nf,blk,1); musup% % mu for RS Nrs = sel(Nf,1:2,1:2); [mubnds,rowd,sens,rowp,rowg] = mu(Nrs,[1 1;1 1],'c'); muRS = sel(mubnds,':',1); pkvnorm(muRS) % % mu for NP (= max singular value of Nnp) Nnp=sel(Nf,3:4,3:4); [mubnds,rowd,sens,rowp,rowg] = mu(Nnp,[2 2],'c'); muNP= sel(mubnds,':',1); pkvnorm(muNP) % ans =0.5 figure vplot('liv,m',muRP,muRS,muNP); legend('RP','RS','NP')