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Imagine um laboratorio did\[AAcute]tico com muitos grupos e que cada grupo levante um \ histograma de 30 jogadas. Voc\[EHat] precisa olhar o conjunto dos histogramas e decidir se os estudantes est\[ATilde]o seguindo \ o procedimento indicado.\ \>", "Text", CellChangeTimes->{{3.6173478983293533`*^9, 3.617348013375942*^9}}], Cell[CellGroupData[{ Cell[BoxData[ RowBox[{"DiscretePlot", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"PDF", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"BinomialDistribution", "[", RowBox[{"repeticao", ",", "p"}], "]"}], ",", "n"}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"n", ",", "0", ",", "12"}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"PlotRange", "\[Rule]", "All"}], ",", RowBox[{"AxesLabel", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{"n", ",", "\"\\""}], "}"}]}], ",", RowBox[{"PlotLabel", "\[Rule]", RowBox[{"StringForm", "[", RowBox[{ "\"\\"", ",", "p", ",", "repeticao"}], "]"}]}]}], " ", "]"}]], "Input", CellChangeTimes->{{3.585940538867755*^9, 3.585940540461506*^9}, { 3.585940570617755*^9, 3.585940620524005*^9}, {3.617346215016987*^9, 3.6173464002354255`*^9}, {3.6173464726418333`*^9, 3.6173464875012035`*^9}}, NumberMarks->False], Cell[BoxData[ 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TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{6., 0.}, {7., 12080}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 12080]& , TagBoxNote -> "12080"], StyleBox["12080", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[12080, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}, { TagBox[ TooltipBox[ TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{7., 0.}, {8., 3313}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 3313]& , TagBoxNote -> "3313"], StyleBox["3313", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[3313, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}, { TagBox[ TooltipBox[ TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{8., 0.}, {9., 821}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 821]& , TagBoxNote -> "821"], StyleBox["821", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[821, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}, { TagBox[ TooltipBox[ TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{9., 0.}, {10., 183}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 183]& , TagBoxNote -> "183"], StyleBox["183", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[183, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}, { TagBox[ TooltipBox[ TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{10., 0.}, {11., 45}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 45]& , TagBoxNote -> "45"], StyleBox["45", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[45, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}, { TagBox[ TooltipBox[ TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{11., 0.}, {12., 6}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 6]& , TagBoxNote -> "6"], StyleBox["6", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[6, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}, { TagBox[ TooltipBox[ TagBox[{ DynamicBox[{ FEPrivate`If[ CurrentValue["MouseOver"], EdgeForm[{ GrayLevel[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.5], Opacity[0.66]}], {}, {}], RectangleBox[{12., 0.}, {13., 3}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}]}, StatusArea[#, 3]& , TagBoxNote -> "3"], StyleBox["3", {}, StripOnInput -> False]], Annotation[#, Style[3, {}], "Tooltip"]& ]}}}, {}, {}}}}}, {{{{{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, \ {}, {}, {}}, {}}}, {{{{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}}, \ {}}}}}, {AspectRatio -> NCache[GoldenRatio^(-1), 0.6180339887498948], Axes -> {True, True}, AxesLabel -> { FormBox["n", TraditionalForm], FormBox["\"frequencia\"", TraditionalForm]}, AxesOrigin -> {-0.26, 0.}, FrameLabel -> {{None, None}, {None, None}}, FrameTicks -> {{Automatic, Automatic}, {Automatic, Automatic}}, GridLines -> {None, None}, GridLinesStyle -> Directive[ GrayLevel[0.5, 0.4]], PlotLabel -> FormBox[ InterpretationBox[ "\"Simula\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o: p=\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1\\/6\\) \ rep=\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`12\\) vs. p=\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`1\\/384\\) \ rep=\\!\\(TraditionalForm\\`768\\) \"", StringForm[ "Simula\[CCedilla]\[ATilde]o: p=`` rep=`` vs. p=`` rep=`` ", Rational[1, 6], 12, Rational[1, 384], 768], Editable -> False], TraditionalForm], PlotRange -> {{0., 13.}, {All, All}}, PlotRangePadding -> {{ Scaled[0.02], Scaled[0.02]}, { Scaled[0.02], Scaled[0.05]}}, Ticks -> {Automatic, Automatic}}],FormBox[ FormBox[ TemplateBox[{ FractionBox["1", "6"], FractionBox["1", "384"]}, "SwatchLegend", DisplayFunction -> (FormBox[ StyleBox[ StyleBox[ PaneBox[ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ TagBox[ GridBox[{{ GraphicsBox[{ Directive[ PointSize[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.6], Opacity[0.5], EdgeForm[ Directive[ GrayLevel[0], Thickness[Small], Opacity[0.609]]], RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834]], RectangleBox[{0, 0}, {10, 10}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}, AspectRatio -> Full, ImageSize -> {10, 10}, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImagePadding -> Automatic, BaselinePosition -> (Scaled[0.1] -> Baseline)], #}, { GraphicsBox[{ Directive[ PointSize[0.5], AbsoluteThickness[1.6], Opacity[0.5], EdgeForm[ Directive[ GrayLevel[0], Thickness[Small], Opacity[0.609]]], RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]], RectangleBox[{0, 0}, {10, 10}, "RoundingRadius" -> 0]}, AspectRatio -> Full, ImageSize -> {10, 10}, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImagePadding -> Automatic, BaselinePosition -> (Scaled[0.1] -> Baseline)], #2}}, GridBoxAlignment -> { "Columns" -> {Center, Left}, "Rows" -> {{Baseline}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxDividers -> { "Columns" -> {{False}}, "Rows" -> {{False}}}, GridBoxItemSize -> {"Columns" -> {{All}}, "Rows" -> {{All}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> { "Columns" -> {{0.5}}, "Rows" -> {{0.5}}}], "Grid"]}}, GridBoxAlignment -> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{1}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}], "Grid"], Alignment -> Left, AppearanceElements -> None, ImageMargins -> {{5, 5}, {5, 5}}, ImageSizeAction -> "ResizeToFit"], LineIndent -> 0, StripOnInput -> False], { FontFamily -> "Arial"}, Background -> Automatic, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]& ), InterpretationFunction :> (RowBox[{"SwatchLegend", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.6523866666666667, 0.45262266666666673`, 0.10522266666666667`], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["RGBColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.24561133333333335`, 0.3378526666666667, 0.4731986666666667], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["RGBColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, 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False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.609`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; 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-> {"Columns" -> {{Left}}, "Rows" -> {{Top}}}, AutoDelete -> False, GridBoxItemSize -> { "Columns" -> {{Automatic}}, "Rows" -> {{Automatic}}}, GridBoxSpacings -> {"Columns" -> {{1}}, "Rows" -> {{0}}}], "Grid"], Alignment -> Left, AppearanceElements -> None, ImageMargins -> {{5, 5}, {5, 5}}, ImageSizeAction -> "ResizeToFit"], LineIndent -> 0, StripOnInput -> False], { FontFamily -> "Arial"}, Background -> Automatic, StripOnInput -> False], TraditionalForm]& ), InterpretationFunction :> (RowBox[{"SwatchLegend", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.6523866666666667, 0.45262266666666673`, 0.10522266666666667`], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["RGBColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], RGBColor[0.97858, 0.678934, 0.157834], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> RGBColor[0.24561133333333335`, 0.3378526666666667, 0.4731986666666667], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["RGBColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], RGBColor[0.368417, 0.506779, 0.709798], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}]}], "}"}], ",", RowBox[{"{", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ AbsoluteCurrentValue[Magnification]}]], "\[InvisibleSpace]"}], "GrayLevel[1]"], Appearance -> None, BaseStyle -> {}, BaselinePosition -> Baseline, DefaultBaseStyle -> {}, ButtonFunction :> With[{Typeset`box$ = EvaluationBox[]}, If[ Not[ AbsoluteCurrentValue["Deployed"]], SelectionMove[Typeset`box$, All, Expression]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialAlpha = 1; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorInitialColor = GrayLevel[1]; FrontEnd`Private`$ColorSelectorUseMakeBoxes = True; MathLink`CallFrontEnd[ FrontEnd`AttachCell[Typeset`box$, FrontEndResource["GrayLevelColorValueSelector"], { 0, {Left, Bottom}}, {Left, Top}, "ClosingActions" -> { "SelectionDeparture", "ParentChanged", "EvaluatorQuit"}]]]], BaseStyle -> Inherited, Evaluator -> Automatic, Method -> "Preemptive"], GrayLevel[1], Editable -> False, Selectable -> False]}], "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.5`", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"EdgeForm", "[", RowBox[{"Directive", "[", RowBox[{ RowBox[{"Thickness", "[", "Small", "]"}], ",", RowBox[{"Opacity", "[", "0.602`", "]"}]}], "]"}], "]"}], ",", InterpretationBox[ ButtonBox[ TooltipBox[ RowBox[{ GraphicsBox[{{ GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{0, 0}]}, { GrayLevel[0], RectangleBox[{1, -1}]}, { GrayLevel[1], RectangleBox[{0, -1}, {2, 1}]}}, AspectRatio -> 1, Frame -> True, FrameStyle -> GrayLevel[0.6666666666666666], FrameTicks -> None, PlotRangePadding -> None, ImageSize -> Dynamic[{Automatic, 1.35 CurrentValue["FontCapHeight"]/ 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