Leituras da semana
- Transcriptomics technologies
- Comparison of stranded and non-stranded RNA-seq transcriptome profiling and investigation of gene overlap
- TruSeq Stranded Total RNA
- Combining RNA-seq data and homology-based gene prediction for plants, animals and fungi
- Characterizing and annotating the genome using RNA-seq data
- RNA Sequencing Data: Hitchhiker's Guide to Expression Analysis
- Evaluation and comparison of computational tools for RNA-seq isoform quantification
- Learning from Co-expression Networks: Possibilities and Challenges
- RNA-Seq differential expression analysis: An extended review and a software tool
- Modern approaches for transcriptome analyses in plants
- Why you should use alignment-independent quantification for RNA-Seq
- Interpretation of differential gene expression results of RNA-seq data: review and integration
- Biostatistical approaches for the reconstruction of gene co-expression networks based on transcriptomic data
- Transcriptomics in the RNA-seq era
- RNA-Seq: a revolutionary tool for transcriptomics
- https://haroldpimentel.wordpress.com/2014/05/08/what-the-fpkm-a-review-rna-seq-expression-units/
- RNA-seq-based genome annotation and identification of long-noncoding RNAs in the grapevine cultivar ‘Riesling’
Última atualização: quarta-feira, 21 set. 2022, 13:39