quinta-feira, 11 jul. 2024, 03:04
Site: Moodle USP: e-Disciplinas
Curso: IMT5128a - Inglês para Comunicação em Ciências da Saúde: redação de artigos científicos (2018) (IMT5128a-2018)
Glossário: Your Vocabulary List

Recent reports also highlight that…

Introduction literature review

Recent seminal articles have highlighted

Making topic generalization

regardless (of)

not relevant or appropriate


- There were "n" patients enrolled in the study.

- We compared characteristics between two groups and found that...

- The most common indication for ... was...

- The majority of patients (x%) had only one indication for ( the treatment/ the procedure...)

- The chance of being ... was higher in group x.

- Patients x were more likely to have y complications

Results - specific observations

"we fitted our models"

"The table shows"

"The effect/reduction/increase reached X%"

Results section - usual sentences

“corroborating the previously collected data”

“Our data analyses revealed that 85%”

“indicating a significant amount of”

“Interestingly, a reduced level of this target was compared to…”

Results suggest

Findings of the article

Robustness of the results

strength of the results