quinta-feira, 11 jul. 2024, 18:03
Site: Moodle USP: e-Disciplinas
Curso: SEP5848 - Integrated Innovation and Technology Management (2019) (SEP5848-2019)
Glossário: Authors


Robert Samuel Kaplan

Date of birth: 1940

Institution: Harvard Business School - Emeritus Professor of Leadership Development

Most frequent coauthors:  David P. Norton

Main themes: activity-based costing and management, balanced scorecard, cost management, risk management, strategy implementation

Three most cited publications: 

Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. , "The Balanced Scorecard: Measures That Drive Performance," Harvard Business Review, Jan.–Feb. 1992

Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action. Harvard Business Press, 1996.

Kaplan, Robert S., and David P. Norton. "Using the Balanced Scorecard as a Strategic Management System." Harvard Business Review 74.1 (1996): 75-85.