quinta-feira, 11 jul. 2024, 16:46
Site: Moodle USP: e-Disciplinas
Curso: SEP5848 - Integrated Innovation and Technology Management (2019) (SEP5848-2019)
Glossário: Glossary about innovation


The description of common characteristic from specific instances. - class discussion 09/09/2019

An idea or conclusion having general application.

The process of formulating general concepts by abstracting common properties of instances.


Goods-dominant logic

 Goods-dominat logic --> economic value is added through industrial processes, embedded in goods, distributed, and then realized in exchange in a transactional manner; that is, value-in-exchange.

Kowalkowski, C. (2010). What does a service-dominant logic really mean for manufacturing firms?. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and technology3(4), 285-292.