terça-feira, 9 jul. 2024, 03:48
Site: Moodle USP: e-Disciplinas
Curso: IMT5128a - Inglês para Comunicação em Ciências da Saúde: redação de artigos científicos (2018) (IMT5128a-2018)
Glossário: Your Vocabulary List

Our findings are supported by recent studies…

contrasting present and previous outcomes.

Outlining purposes

This wordwilde survey aims to determine

Overall, the results show that

Highlighting Overall Research Outcome


joining, touching,




(adjective) likely to be true

(This is a useful word for "how strong the claims are")

play a significant role

this issue is very important

previous research

Recommended the collection

highlighted major deficiencies

Data suggest that

Has been described

process of data collection

were considered

we calculated

we difinied


Recent reports also highlight that…

Introduction literature review

Recent seminal articles have highlighted

Making topic generalization