domingo, 30 jun. 2024, 07:43
Site: Moodle USP: e-Disciplinas
Curso: IMT5128a - Inglês para Comunicação em Ciências da Saúde: redação de artigos científicos (2018) (IMT5128a-2018)
Glossário: Your Vocabulary List

The samples were categorized

experimental procedure

This cohort was not adequately powered to evaluate… and was not optimal for a direct evaluation of…

discussion, limitations

This results is consistent with

Indicating accordance among others studies

This strengthens the plausibility

reinforce the results found

This study aimed

Purpose of the study

This study population included

Way to introduce the methodology


including everything that is possible or necessary

to determine elligiblity

to determine its suitability

To investigate

to try to get all the facts about something...

To investigate the...

to examine a problemstatement, etc. carefullyespecially to discover the truth: