Covid-19 Case Fitting Curves

4. More Cases

4.2. Flattenings

France and Iran have case curves indicating a possible flattening (the last curve is a lower limit), as shown in Figures Cases-France and Iran. Reinforcing that, for Iran only, Figure rms-Iran shows that the root mean square (rms) deviation seems to have reached its maximum. However, these flattenings could be false leads due to oscillations in the case data. Australia and Austria also seems to have false flattenings, since their rms have not reached any maximum (see Figures Cases-Auatralia -- rms-Austria).

New Zealand seems to have reached a global flattening, as we can see in Figures Cases-New Zealand and rms-New Zealand. Its case data has one jump at day 31 to 32 and its root mean square deviations are getting smaller.