Indice degli argomenti
Inaugural class:
Professor Alberto do Amaral Júnior and Professor Umberto Celli Junior
Professor Alberto do Amaral Júnior - A Methodological approach
Required readings:
1) MILHAUPT, CURTIS J. PISTOR, KATHARINA. Law and Capitalism - What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World, Chapter 2 - Rethinking the Relation between Legal and Economic Development.
2) KENNEDY, DAVID. A World of Struggle, Chapter 2- Struggle Toward a cartography of engagement
Unfortunately, there will be no class on March 19th as previously informed to students.
Professor Alberto do Amaral Júnior - A view of legal system.
Required readings:
1) MILHAUPT, CURTIS J. PISTOR, KATHARINA. Law and Capitalism - What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World, Chapter 9 - Understanding Legal Systems.
2) MILHAUPT, CURTIS J. PISTOR, KATHARINA. Law and Capitalism - What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World, Chapter 10 - Legal Change.
3) MILHAUPT, CURTIS J. PISTOR, KATHARINA. Law and Capitalism - What Corporate Crises Reveal about Legal Systems and Economic Development around the World, Chapter 11 Conclusion. -
Professor Umberto Celli Junior - Free Trade and Fair Trade
Required readings:
1) RODRIK, DANI. Straight Talk on Trade, Princeton University Press, 2018. Chapters 1 - A Better Balance, 2 - How Nations Work and 10 - New Rules for the Global Economy.
Professor Umberto Celli Junior - Regulatory Consistency and Cooperation in International Trade
Required readings:
1) SCHILLINGER, Hubert René, In Need of Rethinking Trade Policies in Times of De-Globalization, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, (Dialogue on Globalization series), 2016.
2) BOLLYKY, Thomas J. MAVROIDIS, Petros C. Trade, Social Preferences and Regulatory Cooperation: The New WTO-Think, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Global Governance Programme-231, RSCAS 47, 2016.
3) SYKES, Alan, Regulatory Consistency Requirements in International Trade, Stanford Law School, Working Paper Series, 502, 2017.
Professor Alberto do Amaral Júnior - Law and globalization from a redistributive perspective
Required readings:
1) ACEMOGLU, DARON. ROBINSON, JAMES A. Why Nations Fail. Chapter 3 The Making of Prosperity and Poverty, The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty.
2) LORCA, ARNULF BECKER. International Law in Latin America or Latin American International Law? Rise, Fall, and Retrieval of a Tradition of Legal Thinking and Political Imagination, Vol. 47, Number 1, Winter 2006.
3) KENNEDY, DAVID. A World of Struggle, Chapter 6 - Law and the Global Dynamics of Distribution - Struggle Toward a cartography of engagement.
University's recess.
Professor Umberto Celli Junior - Trade and Investment
Required readings:
1) NEUFELD, Rodney, “Trade and Investment” Chap. 22, The Oxford Handbook of International Trade Law, Daniel Bethlehem, Donald McRae, Rodney Neufeld, Isabelle Van Damme, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
2) CELLI JUNIOR, Umberto, The Impact of WTO Case Law on the use of Local Content Requirements (forthcoming, for discussions purposes only, not to be cited).
3) Umberto Celli Junior, OMC Jurisprudência e Requisitos de Conteúdo Local como Política Industrial (Chap. 5). Curitiba: Juruá 2017.
Professor Umberto Celli Junior - Digital Trade
Required readings:
1) PORGES, Amy and ENDERS, Alice, Data Moving Across Borders: The Future of Digital Trade Policy, the E15 Initiative E15 Expert Group on the Digital Economy, Think Piece, Geneva, ICTSD, 2016.
2) KARIYAWASAM, Rohan, New WTO Trade Rules for Bits and Bytes, the E15 Initiative E15 Expert Group on the Digital Economy, Think Piece, Geneva, ICTSD, 2015.
3) BURRY, Mira, The Regulation of Data Flows Through Trade Agreements, Georgetown Journal of International Law, vol. 48, 2017.
Professor Umberto Celli Junior - Trade facilitation: Goods, Services and Investment
Required readings:
1) MCDOUGALL, Robert. Evaluating the Implementation Obligations of the Trade Facilitation Agreement in the Context of Existing Multilateral Trade Rules. Geneva: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development - ICTSD, 2017.
2) MUKHERJEE, Arpita. KAPOOR, Avantika. India and Trade Facilitation in Services (TFS) Agreement: Concerns and Way Forward. India Council for Research on International Economic Relations - ICRIER, 2017.
Unfortunatelly, due to the difficulty of transportation to the University, from both students and the special guest of the Professors that are coming from other cities or states on May 28th, the lecture of Professor Carlos Braga was rescheduled for June 18th, as it can be seen below.
Professor Alberto do Amaral Júnior - Developing countries and sustainable development
Required readings:
1) SACHS, JEFFREY. The Age of Sustainable Development - Chapters 1 and 2.
Professor Umberto Celli Junior / invited Professor Carlos Primo Braga (Fundação Dom Cabral) - The Future of the Global Trade Order
Required readings:
1) BRAGA, CARLOS PRIMO. HOEKMAN, BERNARD (eds). Future of the Global Trade Order. Chapter 1 - Future of the Global Trade Order and Chapter 2 - The Threat of Economic Disintegration.
Professor Alberto do Amaral Júnior - Developing countries and sustainable development
Required readings:
1) SACHS, JEFFREY. The Age of Sustainable Development. Chapters 12, 13 and 14.